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rtuol!{itr' lo

Wgnf-Urr, Anerica (aad Mr.) gfart lo build or remodel, lhe litchen is pocletbook eaemy No. l. ADd dealerg who ratidy their. "Mrs. Arnericar" on Kitchen ptrnring have added higbpowered galesmen to their aalea lorce.

Oue wonan alwayr telb aaotber, and anolher, and another. Thal'r why the Curtia Kitchen Planuing recipe bar already beea successlul over 50,000 ti-eg! No other Litcbea plauaing rervice hag cuch a long pertonnance record-<uch a record oI acceptance by America'g houaewiveg. Aad ao dealerg but Curtir Dealerg c.n u8s rhis psa761fut salea weapon.

Kitchen planning gtartg witb well.built, well-placed goodloo}iag cabinetg. Curtis Cabinets are built to laat-they're built oI wood, put togetber lile custon.nade furniture. Curtis Cabinetg cone ia duatprool cartons, ready lo install. Your cugtoncr has her painler paint them-to correapoad with other litchen decorations.

\( n"r, a buyer comec inro your srore he asks for a shingle that will etand up. C,oet to him is not as important a factor ao getting a durable, easy-to. keep.in-condition roof. You can,t guarantoe that &ind of a roof unless you sell him a brand of shinglec that you know are the best you can buy.

SNIDER BRAND OF RED CEDAR SHINGLES completely fin the bill! Expertly manufactured of a close grained high altitude red cedar, Snider shingles make sale after sale. Try them-all sizes and grades.

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