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When you buy ot "CALIF. PANEL" you know you ore getting the best quolity plywood obtoinqble ot competitive prices.
We'ore now stocking "HARBORD SUPER," the well known woterproof plywood, in sizes up to 4 ft. by 16 It.
We solicit your inquiries {or ony plywood requirement you moy hove in ony quqntity whether it be Ior stqndard specificctions or specicl construction.
Here is a picture, for example, of a big stick of Apitong they unloaded at his Harbor yard the other day. It is 10 inches thick, 18 inches wide, and 38 feet long, and will be used for the keel of a boat. This is one of the biggest pieces of Apitong he has ever brought over.
lifornia lEVeneerG
9t5967 SOtIrE ALAMEDA sTnBtr
Tchpbnerl\,iait1 cr,57
MailingAddran'P. O. Box 96, Arcadc Stecion IOS ANGELES, CALIFORMA
Another special shipment that went like hot cakes was a consignment of Philippine Mahogany counter tops. This lumber was 26 inches and wider, five-quarter thickness, all long stuff of various lengths, solid Philippine. This stuff was grabbed by California users.
Mr. Scrim is also offering for sale at present tremendous sticks of Iron Bark for derrick timbers. It comes from Australia. Mr. Scrim furnishes such sticks 22 inches square and 48 feet long. Each of these sticks weighs about six tons, and is of almost unlimited strength.
The hetter the job is done the bigger the market for PORTTI]ID GETIEIII $TUGGO
Every satisfied owner of a stucco home advertises its meritsand creates future business for plastering contractors. The way to assure satisfied owners, is to see that they get top quality stucco jobs the kind that provide maximum weather resistance, beauty, long life and low upkeep. A good stucco job requires a rigid, well-framed structure . a good base . non-corrosive flashing over door and window heads, under sills and copings and at other points of possible moisture access reinforcement well bedded in mortar and Portland Cemcnt stucco, mixed, applied and cured according to approved methods, for all coats. Plastering contractors are invited to x'rite us for booklet.
The handsome new office, store and warehouse building of the Joslin Lumber Company, 10914 Hawthorne Boulevard, Inglewood, has attracted a lot of attention since it was finished a few months ago.
Modernistic in type, the exterior is of stucco, and the large display windows catch the eye of passers by.
The general office and store is 54 feet by 24 feet and the warehouse is 54 feet by 6O feet.
Plans are also drarvn for a new mill which will be immediately behind the rvarehouse. This will occupy a space of 54 feet by 48 feet.
A full line of builders' hardware and paints is carried, also a complete stock of lumber and other building sup-
Stock includes Douglas Fir, Redwood, Ponderosa and Sugar Pine lumber and hardwood flooring, U. S. G. roofing, Sheetrock and Weatherwood Insulation Boards; U. S. G. Red Top plaster and Victor Cement.
In the general office Weatherwood Blendtex Insulating Board is used on the ceiling, and 7/2" Sheetrock Recessed Edge Plaster Board on the walls, which are painted rvith Texoli:c.
Sterling Lumber Company is building an addition to its office building at 32nd and Ettie Street, Oakland. The addition will provide two new private offices and will enable the wholesale department to be enlarged. The exterior of the building u'ill be streamlined and modernized.