4 minute read

Basic lLS.Patents Schunachcr \bll

The important steps that make SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD a different and better kind of wall board are pro- tected by U. S. Patents,

So vital are these steps that no manufacturer can come any- where near approaching the high standard of this reliabie and sturdy wall board withoqt infringing on these patents. These.various processes are the invention arising froin years 9f__O_111e_n1 _r_e-s_e g rq!, ca qef ul tes ts an d p ractica I ixperime n ts.

SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD was the first plister wall board made. Naturally there are hosts of imiiators. But because th:*___q?!e,n1.e{procgsse. .i"- si- important, the quality of SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD cannot be'even approximated.

!"-_9J_{"_t. |!{_vou log may be protected every SCHUMACHER WALL BOAR-D bears th; MACHER" trade mark- piece of .lSCHU-

This .is your insura,nce against inferior imitations and by insisting upon .wall board bearing this trade mark you ma! be sure of getting a permanent, durable wall board ihat wiil not buckle, swell or shrinkl and one that can be. sealed pe-rfectly at the joints to make a single piece wall ttrat wili take any kind of wall covering beautifully.

SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD is backed by a reputable manufacturer who has been in business for ylars and *ho will be in business for many years to come, Insist upon this reliable, honest product.

Write. for descriptive -folde-r showing the many advantages of this superior wall board.

Ask your Lumber Dealer, Carpenter or Builder about this economical, durable wall that iomes ready prepared.

An exact reproduction, built by Chas. Ray Productions, Inc., to be uscd in hia latest picture "The Courtship of Miles Standish," now playing at Grauman'g Million Dollar Theater, Los Angeler.

The Redwood used in this boat will last as long as the memory of this famous boat. The lumber furnished thru the Owens-Parks Lumber Co., from Little River Redwood Co., Humboldt Bay, general sales office San Francisco, and the.Los Angeles representative is W. R. Chamberlin, | 030 A. G. Bartlett Building.

PHIL B. HART Muaglng Editor


How Lumber Looks

Ar predicted on thir page two weeks ago, tfie sudden demand from dl quarters, for all kindr of etocks, har hed the eftec that it had to have. Pricer have raised; torn€l daye by fits and jerks, and again tihe advancee carne with a dow gradual heave, that hag rerulted in a fumness of market that leavee no doubt of tbe good health of the Fall market.

The lumber businels in California met an irresistible force, or succeuion of forcer that had to affect prices in only one way, and that way wa! up. The depleted ctocks ttroughout the rtate, the empty log pondr at the millr, a ferp of the miltr already shut dovm, and then cam'e t{re terrible diraster in Japan; making it a centeinty that thir nation would demand .enonnour quantities of Wertcoast lumber, and would want it now. While this buying did not rtart foil about ttree weekc after the quake and fire, wh€rr it did rtart, tte orders were placed for goodly announts. Y'ard rtocks wetre cut to nothing in some of the millr, over night. The pieco tax being revoked by Japan madb it poasible to rhip cut rtocks of any kinds, and the buying agentrt toolr, immediate advantage of this new condition.

Reports come from a good number of the mills, saying ttat ttey are ritting tight and are not seeking q great deal of burineas. Orderr placed in the last fcw dayr have been at pricee from $2.OO to $4.00 ovcr t'he prevailing lirtr of two weeks ago. Comrnon randomr are in good d'emand, and stock sheets dd not go begging. Green; clean are rcarce, and fooring ir rteady. Lath have gone up a good half dollar from the bottom reached about a montb ago.

The infux of lumber for thir month ir just about normal. At San Pedro, up to the night of the 27th, ont hundred twenty-five lumber carriers had docked.

Ninety-nine of these cenied 13O,0O0'O@ feet of fir rnd the twenty-rix redwood boatr brought in about lgr(Xx)r. OOO feet. With tfrree dayr to go, totalr for Septembor for thir port will undoubtedly reach well over 17O,0OO'OOO feet of fir and redwood. .Thir harbor ir in much bcttd shape than for eomc tirne, the docks have been partially cleaned up, and rtockr are coming through in rhortcr time.

San Francicco reportr for tte mont[ to the night of tbc 25th show receiptr of a good 5O'fi)O'0OO fect of 6r rnd redwood,

Buitding continuer. ln rhe routh, the city of Loo Angrlcr will have jut about her averagc $15'O00rqn.fi) for tbc month of, September. To tbe night of thc 26th thc robl war $13,O26,940.00.

The fir mills lart report from 133 of the mc"nbcn of the Wect Coast Lumbermens A$ocirtion' rhowr a cut fc ' two weeks, of 11O'O0O'OOO fe€g and their rels rcrchcd l3O,Ofl),OOO feet. They ehipped a little over 1O7'(XX),(XXD. Th'is new bueinem iE 17% above normal. Unfned rrit orders call for over rix thousand' can.

The Southern Pine Agociation'r raler in the hrt report show a jump of about 5rO(X)'OOO feet over thc pr€viglL period. They rold 8S,OOO,(X)O fect with the production d 81'0O0,0OO feet. Thir new busineer rcprercntr an bcrcrrc of about 3% to 5% overpsoduction

Burinen at the redwood milb keepr rncrrily on" Ttc last report from the Califcaia Redwood Arociation rhwr a weekr cut'and rder of well over 5'0(X)'(X}O fe€L Thcy rhipped about tte rarne anrount in the pcriod. To Sip' tember 15th thir Arrociation'r new burincc reprclcotl lO4Vo of their production.

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