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Retail Lumbermen to Hold Covent at San Francisco
Announcement has been made that the next convention of the California Retail Lumbermens' Association, will be held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, orl October 26 and 27, 1923, The announcement reads, in part, as follows:
"The aim of our Program Committee is 'to make this Convention a big gathering of lumbermen of all branches of the trade and to m,ake it a stimulus to Home Building throughout the State by means of instructive and educationaffeatures, but not overlooking features of interest and entertainment. Program will include addresses, papers' discussions, business,transactions and exhibits.
"Plan now to come !-THE LADIES ARE ALSO EXPECTED !
"There will be provision for fun and pastime on Friday evening at our banQuet followed by dancing, *!i!9 in.the exhibii room cards and Mah Jottgg will be i'n full swing. 'Billy' Hamm.ond has consented to provide and supervise the Mah Jorgg and is already planning a big lum,bermen's contest. with such skilled entrants as 'Gus' Russell, Elmore King and Ben Reed. We've yet to choose our Bridge sharps.
"We inclose herewith a detailed accoun,t of practical 'Convention Buildin.g Exposition,' held elsewhere that we want to emulate. Read this article and obey the impulse to participate in this feature by bringing a model to the Corivention, and be prepared to discuss building costs, also methods of helping the owtter finance his home. Write us what you will do ifter reading the article and give us any suggestions. Doane of Southern Jose, has already entered a model, tion on this Convention Feature. mber Company, San following our conversaWho's next?
"saturday morning, the 27th, will be devoted to association businiss and we have invited all the retail lu'm'bermen's clubs of the state to hold their October district meetings immediately following adjournme'nt, at several noon luncheons in separate rooms that are so readily available in the Palace Hotel, where each club can handle its local business and act upon any suggestions that may develop at the State meeting. We hope our members will support this suggestion when the matter is brought gp by Seiietary of the-local club for consideration' The Sacram'ento Valley Lumibermen's Club decided favorably at their meeting held Septem'ber 15th.
"'Weire also hoping Hoo-Hoo will stage a con-cat Saturd.ay evening, appropriately closing our two-day Convention."
Mr. E. A. Goodrich, Los Angeles manager for the Union Lumber Company, is home, brown and happy froma very pleasant two weeks spdnt in the northern part of Oregon.
M"r. Goodrich and his family h'ad a busy two weeks, loafing. They made the trip by train.
Caprcity 6q),00O ft. daily.
One of thc biggeat and most modern white and sugar pine mills of California has just started full time operations at this point.
A sawmill with 4 bands cuts our' wonderful lumber, and there is a great planer, box factory, kilns, sheds, yards, etc., in connection.
There is a huge daily production of Pine at this great plant.
Supply You Witih Your
Sugar Pine White Pine Necessities
E. H. COX San Francieco Gencral Manega Both Compenicr
The product of these two great concerns is sold by one sales organization, now located at Madera.
Quotations or lnformation Glady Given
Address AII Such C,ommunicationc to MADERA, CALIF.
Capacity 3O0,O0O ft. daily.
A new 2-band sawmill of modern eguipment hag just replaced one deetroyed by fire. It is located in the mountains above Madera. At Maderi we operate a mogt efficient and modern re-manufacturing plant, with planer, box factory, ehedg, kilns, yards, etc.
'We are very proud of our product at Madera.