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Mr. R. L. Cuzncr nrnrgct and dircctr fhc dcrtiniel of thc Kcrckhoff-Cuzncr Mill aad Lumber Com.prny in Southcrn Celi' fornie.

That tLie ir r mrn-rizcd iob gocr without raying. Thir grcat inrtitution opGnrt.r thirtccn plintr in and aroind Lor Angcl-cr, and ir know-n and admircd ar on" of the old line, conrervative rcteil comprnicr thrt har ro hclped to create and build thc Southwcrt.

Mr. Cuzncr ir a men with hundredr of fricndr. TLerc ir pro' bebly not a merr in thc indurtry wLo har w-on the -rcrpect and edniration of to neny of hir contcmporaricr in thc grme et her R. L. Cuzncr, tBob'ar hc ir known to hir nany intimater' He will bc rirty-ivc ycar3 old on the ltth of ngxt Fbbru' aty. Straigbt u in rrro-w, gray haired e-nd-kindly of count-cn' "o.., rro morc fitting term could bc applicd to thir man than to ray that hc ir thi pioneer end thc dcan, of thc burinccr in Lor Angcler.

In thJ carly nineticr, Bob Cuzner euccecdcd hir brothcr, -Mr-. W. G. Cuzncr, ar Gencral Manager of the KcrcLhofr'Cuzncr Mill end Lumbcr Company. and har bocn ia the harner conrtantly rince then. Hc ii alro Treasurcr of the compreny, which, it ir iatcreeting to note, haa becn iE crirtclcc for ncarly rixty ycarr. Mn Cuzncr har two hobbicr thet hc ridcr and ir grcatly intcrccted in. Hc ir proud of hir tuccelr, through expcrimcntation in thc part ycarr, in the reiring of dahliar. Hc hal a great collcction. During the parf ycar hc hu alro gonc in for redio to romc cxtcnt.

He ir a promineat member of thc Jonathan Club, in Lor Angelcr, and alro belongr to Lodgc No. 99' B. P. O. E.

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Th"y arc now being installed in tilrousands of homec and oftces all over the United States.

Dudley Wall Safet are a profrt maker for lumber merchants and contractors.

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