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Hipolito Company Adds Line Medium Priced Wall Safes
When the Hipolito Screen and Sash Company al1nounced recently that they had ,become the sole distributors for Southern California of the Dudley Wall Sa{e it heralded the introduction to this territory of a riew line of, low priced wall safe.
. But little attention has been paid to the wall safe in the past because most models on the market could only be installed in a new building and then were accompanied with consider,able expense. Not alone were the safes costIy, but the manner of placing them, in the building itself was a considerable item.
"Three features attracted us with the Dudley Wall Safe," said Mr. H. L. Rosenberg of the company. "The first was its low price, its high quality and the ease with which it might be installed, either in an old or new building."
The Dudley Wall Safe is large enough to provide arnple storage for private, personal papers, small jewelry, etc. It is proof against ordinary fire and burglary. It is equipped with a lock susceptible of 125,000 different co'm,binations, and has been thoroughly tested and proven.
The wall safe idea has grown rapidly in popularity, not alone for homes, but for use in office buildings, physician's offices, etc. The latter especially welcome the wall safe as an ideal place for the safe keeping of narcotics and similar drugs, much sought by drug addicts, who are often responsible for many of the crimes committed today.
To the home builder, contractor and architect the Dudley Wall Safe has an especial interest. To those who are building for re-sale they are an added talking point. To the home owner they provide a genuine safe keeping place for valuables.
It is interesting to note that when an analysis is made of the number of burglaries committed in homes and elsewhere, by far the largest portion of them are committed by amateurs, the one or two time criminals. Consequently the addition of a sm,all wall safe which may iSg easily concealed, is positive assurance to the homs owner that his valuables so protected will be there despite fire or robbery.
An extensive merchandising and marketing campaign is under way and it is expected plans will be announce'd shortly covering the merchandising of this very desirable addition to the building line.
r 't., Lumber, rplit grapertako, o*.
Cargo and Rdl Shiprnentr
16 California St. -:- San Fnncirco