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Morse to Manage Longview Miil
R. F. Morse, general manager of The Long Bell Lumber Company's manufacturing plant at Quitman, Miss., recently was appointed general manager of the Longview Division of the company under S. M. Morris, vice-president and general w,estern manager.
Mr. Morse has been with Long-Bell since 1906. He served first as purchasing agent at Lake Charles, La. Frorn 1910 to l9l2 he traveled the South in the interest of the sales department, and in Europe with M. B. Nelson, studying export problems. Returning from Europe, he opened the export department of the company at Beaumont, Tex. In 1913, Mr. Morse was appointed general manager at Ludington, La. In March 1918, he was transferred to Quitman as treasurer and general manager. In Marrch 1923, he was elected a director of The Long-Bell Lumber Com,pany. '
Mr. Morse visited the Northwest this summer and attended the formal dedication of Longview in July. When he returned to Quitman about August 1, the foremen and departme,nt heads of his organization celebrated with a banquet in his honor.
Members of the Long-Bell organization at Quitman presented Mr. Morse a loving cup as a farewell gift. The citizens of Quitman also gave Mr. Morse a loving cup.
Fred A. Mullett, superintendent at Quitman, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Morse as general manager. Mr.
Mullett began working fes T,sng-Bell seventeen years. ago as an office boy. Later he became a.ssistant to P. P. Lewis,, then retail purchasing agent. Then he served as assistant manager of the Long-Bell retail yard at Altus, Okla., and later at Chanute and Pittsburg, Kans., and Enid, Okla. In 1913 he,was made manager of the retail yard at Enid, Okla.
Tn l9I7 Mr. Mullett was transferred to the Long-Bell mill at Lake Charles, La., where he remained until the call for volunteers for the officers' training camps. At the close of the war he was a captain in the 17th Ammunition Tr,ain. I{e was appointed plant superintendent at Quitman in 1919.
Los Angeles Visitor From Stockton
Mr. C. S. Brace, right hand man to Charley Bird in directi'ng the destinies of that live wire outfit in Stockton, known as the Stockton Lumber Company, was a visitor in Los Angeles last week and enjoyed him'self making the rounds among his many friends in, the sou,th.
Mr. E. D. Tennant, secretary manager of the Los Angeles District Lumbermens Club, returned a few days ago from the Hoo-Hoo Annual, held at New Orleans last month. Mr. Tennant represented the Los Angeles District Hoo-Hoo at the Annual as a delegate. He made a complete report of the trip at the regular Hoo-Hoo luncheon on Thursday, Septem',ber N, and was given a vote of thanks bv the members.
Ed jorirneyed to St. Louis for a conference with Secretary Henry fsherwood, be'fore taking the train back to C}liforrria.