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Fun, Facts and Filosophy
The Valley Of The Sun
When your footsteps feel like wandering And you want to have some fun. Just steer them gently, firmly .Io THE VAT,LEY OF THE SUN.
Where the heat waves wildly welcome And the cool breeze fails to blowWhere the pavements cling to tires Just because they love them so.
Where the dust blows through your windshielcl And the seed will not stay putJust moves around from farm to farn.r IJnless the gates are shut.
Where the people say "God Bless You, It isn't hot right nowYou should have been 'here just last week, You'd found that hot. I trow."
Where you se€ the grapes in clusters And,the raisins later onWhere the desert soon is fertile In THE VALLEY OF THE SUN.
Where the fascination lingers And you soon find you are one That's as big as any booster For THE 'ALLEY oF THE suN' A'an Turner.
The Duke of Herpicide wants to know if the American railroads were al,l at the bottom of the ocean, would the sinking 'fund keep them there, or would ths floating indebtedness raise them ?
Yournever can te'll what your thoughts will do In\bringing you hate or love: For t\oughts are things, and t:heir airy wings Are \wifter than carrier dove. low the law of the universeEach lhing must create its kind,
And they speed o'er the track to bring you back Whatever went out of your mi'rd.
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
How A Jap Ktcked On Tal Service
The Japanese workers in a British Colurnbia sawmill were not receiving thej daily papers regularly, and they voiced their protpt i postmaster:
"We are highly p{ consider of our paper he following letter to the local to say that you may kindly delivered regularly by what reason. We underStood your service-were quite right by the reference from Vancouver postoffice for our inquiring or its item, but yet we receive the complaining from the subscri,ber at Fraser Mills saying all of ollr paper has been distributed under the condition of three or four coovs in a mail, not daily. Thanking your kind attention."
By the shores of Cuticura, By the Man-a-cean water, Lived the Prophylactic Chiclet, Danderine, the Helmar's daughter.
She was'loved by Klaxon Postum, Son of Sunkist and Victrola, Heir-apparent to the Mazda, Of the tribe of Coca-Cola.
'fhrough the forest strolled the loversWoods untrod by Anglo-Saxon, "Lively little Wriggly Chiclet," 'Were the burning words of Klaxon.
"No Pyrene can quench the fire, Though I know you're still a mere Miss, Oh, My Prestolite desire, I-et us marry Timkin Djer-Kiss."
He walked into tfie fish market, his fishing parae of day, and he phernalia over his frm. It was the was evidentl\in frfm a long day's k.
"Just stand \ve{ there," he sai the fish dealer, "and throw me five d( fhose largest t;' the surprised dealer. ., "throw them and I'll
"Sure" said the luckless catch them. I may be a fisherman, but.I won't lie.'l
Abraha Ncoln On Law
"Let reverence for trAW be breathed by every mot'her to her lisping-babe./Teach it in colleges. Write it in colors s-ac-rifice unceasingly at its altars."
primers, spel'li s, and almanacs. Preach it in pulpits. Proclaim'i the legislature halls. Enforce it in of every nation and let men and women of all tongues arrd
When it comes to the nature and properties of Redwood, and other woods, your customers look to you for advice. They trust your hnowledge, honesty and experience. The averaEe man is interested chiefly in first cost. He wants a building and hates to'pay more for it than is barely necessary, so it remains with you to explain those other qualities which, in the long run, are the factors that determine whether or not he becomes a satisfied customer.
Hence, when a customer comes for advic€; lou should take pride in enlightgning him on the all-round durability of California's own unique wood-REDWOOD. There is nothinE to equal it for resistance to wet, rot, fungi, white ants, dryness and fire. REDwooD is beautiful in its -natural state, wether exposed to the weather or used for interiors.
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