4 minute read
Plans and Progress Here and There What Busy California Lumber Folks Are Talking About
Announcement has been made of the opening of Southern California offices, by the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, of Portland.
This company, under the able direction of Mr. C. D. Johnson, imarkets the entire output of the Pacific Spruce Corporation, of Toledo, Oregon, which is cutting such tremendous quantities of their famous Old Growth Sitka Spruce.
The new Southern {California offices will be located at 114O Pacific Mutual Building, Los Angeles, and will be managed by Mr. Frank Karrick. Mr. Karrick is a lumberm,an of long and varied experience, and was for many years associated with the Frost-Johnson Lumber Company, of St. Louis, and the W. M. Cady Lumlber Company, also in St. Louis.
Get Large Shipment Of Philippine Mahogany
Mr. J. W. Riggleberger, president of the Tropical Hardwood Company, at Los Angeles, says that they have just received a fine cargo of Bataan Mahogany.
Wires from Mr. Arthur Twohy, of the Twohy Lumber Company, Los Angeles, contain the information that he and Mri. Twohy have safely completed the first lap of their several m.o,nths trip through the South Sea Islands.
Mr. Twohy expects to return to Los Angeles about January first.
Los Angeles Visitor From El Centro
M.. J. S. Jones, one of the proprietors of the Valley Llqber Company, operating retail yards at El Centro, Mexicali and Calexico, was a visitor in Los Angeles for several davs last week. Mr. Tones called on numerous of his acquaintances and stated that the dealers in his parts.ollh. cor.lntgy were well pleased with the way things are picking up i{the Im,perial Valley.
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Hayward Sells Fillmore Yard
(/fn" Peoples Lum,ber Company has purchased the Fill'more yard of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Company.
Tiammond Making Improvements
The shipment arrived at San Pedro some days ago Angeles Hardwood pany is also stocking large quantities of eastern hard- ofrfice and she-d buildings, to cost in the neighborhood of woods. $10,000.00.
The Hammond Lumber Company is makir the Steamer Wallingford, and was brought to their L"; ,/ making extensive Angeles yard promptly. The Tropical Hardwood Com-" improvements to their Van Nuys plant in the way of new
Hammond Lumber Company Buys Redwood
Eureka: More than ten thousand acres of redwood land have been purchased by the Hammond Lumber Company from numerous own€rs of the upper Vanduzen River.
Mill Burns
Davenports Mill, ou'ned by Mr. J. A. Davenport, and located about three miles east of Auburn, was destroyed by fire recently.
Mark Lillard Mourns Loss Of Car
Mr. Mark Lill:rrd, genial door and window wholeshler of Los Angeles, is appearing with a long face the last few days, this caused by the disappearance bf his fine Special Studebaker Touring car, stolen from in front of his 6ouse, one evening last week.
Mark has hopes of recovering the car, and requests his many friends, to keep an eye open for a homeleis ownerless car of this description. The machins is black, and has a special California top.
George H. Walker, Inc., prominent Los Angeles wholes.algrs, have moved their offices from ,the old quarters to Suite 402 Central Building.
This company, headed by Mr. George H. Walker, is doing a satisfactory business in the southern territory, they specialize in 'and handle nothing but Douglas Fir.
They are the owners of the Schooner, "Skagway," which is on ta regular run from the north to Los Angeles H,arbor, and rthey also have the Schooners "J. B. Stetson" and "Daisy Gadsby," as well as the Motorship."Culburra" under charter
The Eagle Lum.ber Company at Portland, Oregon,' have entered the Southern California field, and, have opened an office at 314 Broadway Central Bldg., in charge of E. F. Heidemann. Mr. Heidemann is not a. stranger in this territory, having formerly managed the Bay Cities Lum'ber Company at Santa Monica, and in later years was partner in the H. & H. Lumber Company at O'cean Park. For the last six years he has been engaged in the lumber business in Portland and vicinity three years as yard Superintendent of the West Port Lum:ber Company at West Port Oregon, and later connected wittr the Eagle Lum,ber Company at Portland.

The Eagle Lumber Company's Mill is located in the heart of the Yellow Fir Country and their speci- alties are rough green and worked kiln dried- old growth yellow fir uppers.
A Good Ad
lfere is a copy of a clever advertisement prepared by the Sacramento Lumtber Company, Sacramento. It was printed on a miniature redwood shingle: We little wooden shingles
Have come rto see the fair, You'll find our dads and grandads
On house-tops everywhere; And when you scan their record, At once you'll plainly see That a roof of wooden shingles
Would suit you to a T.
-A. M. C.
Building Material Supply House
12th and North B Streets Main 211 ( seven-come-eleven)
Florence Urquhart On Eastern Trip
Florence Urquhart, of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, ,accompanied by Mrs. N. E. Otterson, of New York City, has left for the Atlantic Coast where she will spend the next six weeks. The trip east will be made by way of the Grand Canyon and New Orleans and will include the trip between Nerv Orleans and New York by boat. While in the east, she will be the guest of Mrs. Otterson. She will also take in the sights arou'nd Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington. The return trip to the Pacific Coast will be made by way of Chicago, Denver, and Salt Lake City.