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Reforestation of Redwood Cut-over Lands
Nursery Union
Plans tation of holdings grnnlng planting by 1928, have been formulated and approved for the refores3000 acres of cut-over redrvood land on the tirnber of the Union ancl Pacific I-umberrCompanies be- in November. The working plans call for the of 5000 acres per vear beginninq with 1925,,.and the present plans call for the planting of 10,000
No other lun-rber producing region of 'the United States has accom,plished as much or gone as far along the lines of technical forest management as the lumber operators ,of the Redwood Region. At the present time, there are as many as 1O resident technical foresters, mostly graduates of ,the Forestry School of the University of California, who are carrying on forestry studies along forest management, fire protection, reforestation, etc. Companies representing 90/o of the total redwood cut are interestedtin this forestry and reforestation movement, and have employed the services of Major David T. Mason, consulting forester of Portlancl, Oregon, who has the general .supervision of the work.
When compared with the actual planting operations carried on throughout the whole United States in 1922, it is apparent,that the redwood operators of California have arranged for an extensive reforestation program. Figures available from the United States Forest Service states that in 1922, the whole United States; including cities,,counties, United States Forest Service, and lumber companies, planted 36,000 acres to young trees.
Nursery Pacific Lumber Co.-Scotia acres pe.r year on thetcut-over lands of the several redwood companies operating in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties.
The present capacity of the Union rLumber Companv Forest Nursery at F'ort Bragg is 900,00O young trees, one and two.years olcl. This nursery will within theinext few years raise enough yorlng trees to supply all the Mendocino County redwcod mills with suflicient rstock to reforest their cut-over lands. The present capacity of the Pacific Lumber Company Forest Nursery at Scotia, Humboldt Cottnty, is 500,000 young trees and will in the future raise sufficient young stock to, furnish all the Humboldt County redwood mills with young trees for replanting. The trorest Nursery of the iUnion Lumber Company has been in operation two years, while the Pacific Lumber CompanlNursery is one year old.
Heat Proof rr Cold Proof rr Sound Proof With One Material CELOTEX!
*: Gelotex
ig INSUIATING LUMBER. It ir madc from bag' a.se, or cane 6bre. Thic 6brc ic felted and interlaced into a tough, rigid, board, having great structural atrength.
Scientific Construction Makes Good Buildings Better
No onc today, who is intercrted in building a horne can longer afford to ignore the value of inrulation in the walle and roofc ar protection againrt hcat and cold.
Thc common practice of conrtructing buildingr with ordinary wood sheathing and building papcr, to shut out heat and cold, ie gradually grving way to thc uec of the modcrn-day matcrial-Celotcx In. rulating Lumbcr.
The scientific procesr, uscd in converting thc cane' fibrc, from which Celotex is made, into building lumber cause! it to devclop miriardr of minute air cells, forming its remarlcablc insulating quality.Its strength ac sheathing haa bccn fully tectcd by leading engineers, proving that it ie superior to wood rheathing when uscd for thir purpoec.
Bceides replacing wood shcatting, Ccloter is alao a plaoter baie, eliminating lath, an intcrior, cxtcrior finich, and cound deadcner. Inrulation againrt heat and cold ic combined in all ita uecc. Celotex makes buildingc bctter.
Dealers Profit
Some live and up-to-date building material dealcr is going to sceuic dirtributor'r righte in your territory. You cannot afford to ovcrlook thic opportunity, It means moncy to you. For complctc infrmation addreea: Wholeaale Departmcnt,'Wcctern Celotcr Company.