1 minute read
of Endeavor!
Every day carload after carload of "Weavt'. " leaves the modern up-tothe minute "Weaver" plant, bound fer widely scattered points throughout the Pacific Southwest. The volume of "Weaver" Roofing sold in the Bay District of San Francisco alone is enormous. It is estimated that the carload shipments of "Weaver" Roofing into the Bay District territory, if the cars were placed end to end, would, during the next twelve months, overshadow the tallest . in America.
The "Weaver" policy will not tolerate making absurd claims for "Weaver" Roofing. Certainly there are other good roofings on the market. It is a fact, however; that no roofing manufacturer anywhere can do more than Weaver : Roof I Company has consistently done for many years to make the best roofing pqssible. That is the "Weaver" ideal. It has been lived up to in the past and it will be in the future.
more than ordinary roofing. when properly laid, to give