4 minute read

New Los Angeles Snark Makes Great Plans

Hermln L. Rosenberg, newly elected Vicegerant Snark for the Los Angeles District Hoo-Hoo has.made his appointments for the, coming year, and has also m'ade known some of the various and dlaborate plans that will, without a doubt bring Los Angeles up to the front and make a mark for the other districts to shoot at.

Mr. Rosenberg in selecting the mem'bers of his nine, has picked men who, with but one exception, hat'e not served before, ancl who are well fit and capable of handling the work in the proper manner. The following will serve on the Nine for the coming year:

Snark-H. L. Rosenberg.

Senior Hoo'H,oo-S. C. Estes.

Junior Hoo-Hoo-F. M. Connelly.

Bojum-S. T. Hayward.

Arcano,per-Ted Lawrence. Custocation-A. L. Hoover.

Scrivenotor-C. J. Laughlin.

Jabberwock-Berne S. Barker. Gurdon-F. S. Golding.

The standing committees for the year will be as follows:

Treasurer-'W. B. Wickersham.

Custodian of relics and treasures-J. C. Thom.as. Auditor-F. M. Slade.

Publicity-J. M. Chase

Big Brother Fund-Bob Taenzer.

Mem,bership-Phil B. Hart.

Snark Rosenberg had arranged ,to have something doing on one Saturday of each month, the day to be selected later by vote of the members. He intends having these affairs rotate, one month they will hold a Cohcatenation,

(Continued on Page 44.)

Koa is a high class hardwood, unusually well 6gured. When finished natural it shows exquisite high lights and shadows, or it can be stained ae Mahogany often is. Koa runs clear and 6ne widths.


Than Gum

KoacanbG6nilhed in ncutral toncc liLc G"-. lthrr, lrowever, a morr dirtinctivc and aristocratic appcrrancc tbqn gum, and it ir a far more durablc wood.

Wc lwc-a firc strr;fto! ltrc dry Ku q, tn ul runly lo imnudtdc dclloqy. Thls td ls tarrllry of gqt ddradlur.

(Continued from Page 43) the next probably a golf tournament and dinner dancej this to be followed the next month by a big smoker and get together meeting. These meetings, together with the weekly luncheons, will keep every member on his toes and interested in the activities. Mr. Rosenberg intends making a special drive during his term, to interest and secure the membership of as many of tlre heads of companies as possible. The mem,bership in' Los Angeles is now well over three hundred, the large majority of these members being active, and highly interested in the work of the order. The new Snark wisely figures that this num,ber can be well augmented by a good numrber of the owners and mapagers of the various retail and wholesale companies in this jurisdiction, and a well planned campaign will no doubt produce the hoped for results.

Another feature of Mr. Rosenbergrs plans that will be well accepted, is his announcement that each meeting will be under the direction of a different member. These men will be selected from, a list of men who have not presided at any meeting, and it is the plan, to givet every man in the order a job at some time during the year.

The first affair to be conducted by the new officers was the ballgame between the wholesalers of Los Angeles and the retail members. An account of this battle will be found elsewhere in this issue.


Mr. Alvin C. Hamer, who has been connected with the wholesale lum,ber game in Southern Califonnia for a number of years, has closed his offices and will retire from this line of business.

It is understood that Mr. llamer intends entering a different field, probably the real estate business.

Castetter Back From Northern Trip

Mr. F. A. Castetter, president of the Oregon Lumber Agency, Los Angeles, is back from a twq-weeksl trip that took him to several of his mill connections in Washington and Oregon.

Mr. Castetter called on the Wheeler Mill. at Wheeler. Oregon, the Willapa Mill at Raymond, and went into British Columbie to visit the plant of Robertson Hackett at Vancouver. On his return he stopped off for a few days to confer with officials of the Tacoma Planing Mill at Tacoma.

The Oregon Lumber Agency represents these variotts mills in Southern California.


Mr. L. L. Long, president of the Frank P. Doe Lumber Com,pany, died at San Francisco, on the morning of September 20th.

Mr. Lo,ng was one of the most prominent lum:bermen in the state. He succeeded Mr. Frank P. Doer as president of the Frank P. Doe Lumber Company, and had held this important position for a number of years.

The funeral was conducted in San Francisco, on September 22.

Let us tell you a few facts, Mr. Lumber Dealer

Fact No. 2

About Our Lumber

The quality of our timbea-lr$QQrOO0,O00 feet of old growth Yellow Fir, Sitka Spruce, and Western Hemlock, tributary to Yaquina Bay, Oregon-is refiected in the quality of our lumber, a light, roft, even grained etock, partic-

Fact No. 3

Abost Out MilI In An Errly Inuc ularly free from defectr .r.d poi*i.i"lg-t[]"" cy.!4i"-" which .t" the marks of ruperior workmanehip ---"r!r. widthe "ttd-tii"to""rei, a.*ed liglt .trd dti.d perfectly---qualitiec which make for profitc in the yardr and factories which buy from ur.

The greatect care pouible ia exercised in the manufacture of our lumber. From the tirne the log entere the mill, until you unload the finished producl-factory otock, interior finirh, bevel iiding, or mouldinga of all kinds -i1 yq111 yard, it has not been exposed to the weather for a single moment. The rerult is a quality of stock that defies compariron-

As a lumber buyer, one whose auccecr depends on quality and service' you can do no better than to tie up with the'C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, of Portland, Oregon, exclusive relling agent for the Pacific Spruce Corporation of Toledo, Oregon, manufacturers of old growth Yellow Fir, Sitka Spruce and \tr/estern Hemlock.

Let us furnish you your next car of Spruce bevel ciding-you will like it.


Wedeliver by truck.ib At parts of $uthern California. .i

Your sash, doorrrr&r*n doorq, glass, iionirrg fds, rnedicine' cabinetsr: mirrors, etc., de-",, liverd to ygur yard at a small minimurn charge, equal to freight charges.










"And More To Come"

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