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For Lease
Retail lumber yard or factory site, corner Ravenswood Ave. and State Highway, Menlo Park, California, has spur track and heavy construction two story warehouse. Address R. W. Follmer, General Contractor, 465 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. Phone 7325.
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Best of references can be given as to ability in all branches during the past fifteen years in Southern California. Fast and accurate at Estimating, Bookkeeping, etc. Thoroughly understands Sash and Doors also. Take anything-go any place. Address Box C-452, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
My interest in good, well established lumber yard in California. Good possibility of purchaser to take charge if well qualified. Address Box C-454, The California Lumber Merchant.
Yqung Lumberman
8 years experience in the mill-wholesale and retiil trade. Thorough knowledge of general office and detail work. Age 25, single, desires position, preferably in thc sales end. A-1 references. Address Box C-450, The Cali. fornia Lumber Merchant.
Man with Portable Mill wanted to cut White ber located in Central California. Will pay on board feet basis. Good opportunity. Address Lumber Merchant, Box C-453.
Pine timaPerM California
Wants To Sell On A Commission Basis
Experienced lumberman would like to handle ties, timbers or shingles for good wholesale lumber concern on a commission basis. Can produce. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-455. care California Lumber Merchant.
Deet Season Opens With Seriouslssues Bulletin on Painting
Forest Fires
Unless the weather changes, the opening of the deer season on September 16 in State fish and game districts 1, l%, 4, 4%, 4%, 23; 24, and 25, will be in the midst of forest fires and dangerous fire hazard conditions, and hunters will have to give more than ordinary cooperation in preventing fires. According to a statement from the office of the U. S. Regional Forester, San Francisco, forest and watershed fires suddenly assumed serious proportions in the national forests on September 6. Prior to this date the acreage burned was 84 per cent less and the number of fires 25 per cent below the corresponding date for 1931. High temperatures, low humidity and bigh winds in these game districts, which cover the mountain hunting grounds located in the national forests of the Siskiyou, Sierra Nevada and the eastern part of the southern coast ranges, created fire hazards with the result that fire control was difficult, and large acreages were burned.
Forest Service officials believe that unless more than ordinary care is taken by all hunters and travelers with their camp fires and smoking,.many of the deer ranges will be devastated and other losses will result.
California Redwood Association recently issued as a number of its Redwood Information Series a bulletin on "Painting and Finishing California Redwood Exteriors," showing the time at which exterior repainting is recommended when protection to the wood is considered.
The bulletin was compiled from data on a five year study, nationally, by the U. S. Forest Produ'cts Laboratory, Madison, Wis., on paintability and paint service of eighteen native softwoods of the United States.
Charlie Lamb Opens Yard
Charles S. Lamb, well known East Bay lumberman, has opened a new retail lumber yard at Park and Horton Streets, Emeryville. Mr. Lamb has had a long experience in the retail lumber business, having started in .the game thirty-three years ago. He was for many years manager of the Tilden Lumber' Company's yard at Berkeley, and for a time was manager of the Sunset Lumber Co. He has not been active in the lumber business for the last year or two, but announces that he is glad to be back in the lumber business again.