1 minute read

Get This RXilg Flging Noto!

This \Far Savings Flag which dies today over companies, large and small, all across the land meaDs buiness. It meaos, first, that lofi of the company's gross pay roll is beiog iovested inVar Bonds by the workets voluntarily.

It also meaos that the employees of all these companies are doiog their part for Victory by helping to buy the guns, tanks, and planes that America and her allies masthave to win.

It means that billions of dollars are being diverted from "bidding" for the constandy sfuinkiqg stock of goods available, thus putting a brake on inflatioo. And it meaos tha0 billions of dollars will be held in readiness for post-war readiustment

Sove Wirh

Think what Loft of the national incorne, saved inIfar Bonds now, nonth aftermonth, cao buy when the war ends!

For Victory today .. . and prosperity ,omarrcu4 keep the $Var Bond Pay-roll Savings plall lelling in yoar firm. Get that flag flying now! Your State Var Savings Staff Adminisll'4ies srill gladly explain how you may do so.

If your 6rm has oot already iostalled the Payroll Savings Plar., t*ut is the time b do s. For full detafu, plus samples of resuh-getting literature and promotio.al h"lpc write or wire: Var Savings Stafi, Sectioo F, Treasury Departmeo,t, 7o9 Twelfth Street NTf., Tflashiogton, D. C.

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