1 minute read
Yoolr Insulation Business
^'-315' CcETPBDY I
These two letters indicated what is happening to dealer insulation sales, in cities and towns, all over America!
Today, you can sell Red ToP* Vool at prices competitive with less effective insu' lation materials. And you do not baoe to tie ttt'"'""o_:]"^:1""_1,1g."Ea coMpANy "L';:::I*."' vrlro'. row^ t. r,cooFa!! t.J. lGOoPa(!, r.rrc.. Ihlted states a,-_- ;il';"",t frdrlX" ri ii.! "*e*r centl eeorr: t.".t.l*Jj" j oh,-..
Septenber Ih, \gm * ." r.".i.-?ff.."i il"#f"'li""f i,T'#*,T+"*:"ij.ii;.,.l,-:1ce,nre: :"ffiffi i"rh:*i:: r:j,.S.r*,; iJ;#{+:{rdiil;;',:Fi*r**,i*"i"il p:i{lii?.r",:,itr#iTffi'ffi ;i"."H- Liix,"*.""u{tffi f#i'=iii+-*i.",*t iit'k},it*R+inilrl$*;+i1-ril*,} ;H,:r#*R.i.frritiif.ltff ffi ::"r..* :: HT liT ;ri fr#ils,i!,., a:m{i:aTl*:tj;i"l-"*".""".*Tj".lt ilr""';i'::'*1*,1{}:'1i--ff J,xco'pan}-heche,pedt{Ti*,i{lT,:",-"r,ttffi },p*".,," ap loar none! in large utarehouse stocks!
L*.";IfTg"1ug* .,.
You cannot afford to overlook the many advantages which Red Top \tr7ool offers. Ask your USG representative or write your nearest USG office. Do it now for greater insulation profrts this fall and winter!