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Philippine Mahogany lmporters Who Attended Chicago Meeting


Roy Bcrto, president Cadwclltrder-Gibson Co., Inc,, Los Angeles; Chcrrles Mcrtin, Port Lsmon Lumber Co., Scrn Frqncisco; F. S. Bcrker, Cqdwcllqder-Gibson Lumber Co., Mcnilc, P. I.; George C. Cornitiue, George C. Cornitiug Hardwood Co., Scn Francisco; W. G. Scrim, Associqtion president crud rcpreeentctive oI Findlcy-Millcrr Timber Co- Los Angelee; T. 8. Bledsoe, president, Brown-Bledsoe Lumber Co., Inc., Greensboro, N. C.; Daniel R. Forbeg, Couasel, P.M.M.I.A., Inc- Wcshington, D.C.; Hcrry D. Gcines, Thomcs E. Powe Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo.; I. Rcymond Peck, president, Insulqr Lusrber Co., Philcdelphic; G. P. Purchqse, assistcnt aecretcry-trecaurer, P.M.M.I.A., Inc., Los Angeles. I. K. McCormick, treqgurer, Henry I. Winde Compcny, Chcrlestown, Mcsg., qleo crttended the meeting, but wog not present ct the time the piciure wcrs token.


Robt. Gray Shingle Company recently started operation of their shingle mill at Hoquiam, Wash. George L. Pauze is in charge. Grays Harbor Sales Corporation, D. L. Swetnam, manager, will handle the sales of the output of this mill.

Visits Los Angeles Office

A. E. Mclntosh, president, West Oregon Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he conferred with Charles H. Ditewig, manager of their Los Angeles office.

The newly completed streamlined office building of the Lafayette Lumber & Supply Company, illustrated on this page, is a credit to the owner of this concern, lforace S. Corbett.

The yard is on State Highway 24 in the growing suburban community of Lafayette, about 20 minutes from downtown Oakland, through the low level Broadway tunnel.

The new building has a model apartment upstairs which is on display from 9 a.m. to 4 p.^.each day as a life-size exhibit of the various materials used in its construction. This clever merchandising idea has already proved its practicability, and it is one that might be imitated by many others in the lumber and building material business. The new building is the first step in the rebuilding of the yard. When completed all lumber will be under cover and all the buildings will be painted white with Italian blue trim.

The lower exterior of the new building has Redwood siding and the upper part is finished in white stucco on Insulite sheathing. The roof is of Johns-Manville Salamander asbestos.

The office is finished in clear heart Redwood in waxed natnral finish, with a mushroom Sugar Pine moulding. J-M Asphalt Tile is used on the floor. The counter is of Redwood with knotty Pine base and Sugar Pine top. The ceiling is knotty Pine. Acme Sash Balances are used throughout the building.

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