1 minute read

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That Orange Color

George McManus, the delightful little Irishman who draws the Maggie and Jiggs cartoons and funny strip, loves to tell Irish stories, and, of course tells them mighty well.

One of his favorites is about two Irishmen green frorn the "auld sod" who landed in New York, and the first time they tried to cross a street were stopped by a big cop because the red light was on. The cop held them on the curb until the red light went off. Then ttte orange-colored warning light fickered for just a few seconds, and then came the green light. The cop said to

Will Attend Ncrtional Retail Meeting

Leslie Lynch, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Gerald Curran, Curran Bros., Pomona, will attend the annual meeting of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association which will be held at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago, October 18-19.


"You can cross now on the green light. You'll have plenty of time."

The two Micks had watched the long red signal, then the short orange signal, and now the deliberate green signal with much interest, and as they stepped off the curb to cross the street one of them turned to the cop with a ficker in his eye and a grin on his chin, and said:

"They don't give the d-n Protestants much time to cross, do they?"

Moves Office

Cooper-Spalding Lumber Co. has moved its office to 615 Security Building, Pasadena. The mailing address is 234 East Colorado Street, Pasadena 1, California. The telephone numbers are: Los Angeles, RYan 1-6659; Pasadena, SYcamore 3-D21.

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