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Ao to ssGUStt HOOYEN

5tt5 vibhirc Btvd., Lor Angcls "the Personal Seraice lllant' Tclephonc, YO* 1168

Up And Down The State

Harold Bendorf of California cago office, left September 26 tion's member mills at Scotia offices in San Fi.ancisco.

Redwood Distributors Chiafter visiting his organizaand Samoa, Calif., and the

Al Nolan, Western sales manager, The Co., San Francisco, was back at his desk a business trip to Portland and Seattle.

Pacific Lumber October I from superintendent. Pacific Manureturned about October 1 frorn manag'er, Union Lumber air route to Portland at

W. K. Kendrick, sales manager, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, visited Portland late in September.

N. B. Bowden, general facturing Co., Santa Clara, a business trip to Portland.

R. E. (Bob) Caldwell, Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned September 30 from a business trip to the Northwest. He traveled both ways by plane.

Mason E. Kline, general sales Co., made a business trip by the the end of September.

Jas. E. (Jimmy) Atkinson, Atkinson-Stutz Co., San Francisco, left October 4 to spend several weeks in the Northwest calling on sawmills.

Charles M. Cooper of W. E. Angeles, left October 10 to call California and Southern Oregon. about 10 davs.

Cooper Lumber Co., Los on sawmills in Northern He expected to be gone

Cttassified Advertising

Wanted Position

Position wanted by lumberman, 46, versatile and adaptable, with cxcellcnt background of manufacturing, sales, office and buying expericncc, in Fir, Pine and hardwoods. Address Box C-1003, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Cdif.

Wants Lumber Yards

If you want to sell your lumber yard, lct us know, aa we have inquiries from parties wishing to buy.

Twohy Lumber Co., Petroleum Building, Los Angeles 15, Calif.

Number Three

I think that I shall never see Such lousyJooking Number Three

Each board was full of big spike knots With skips in dressing, too, in spots And on each edge there was some lvane And there were worm-holes, too, and stain. Each piece was checked for several feet And just to make my joy complete The stock was crooked, too, and green Such lumber I have never seen It looked like Number Five to me ,A,nd only God could make it Three.


_ Ot ThS Califomia Lumbe.r Mcrchant, ptrbtished Siiri.monthly at Ios Angeles,, Califomia, for October l, 1943.'

Strtc of Celifomie ) County of Los Argeles. I tl' a. Ttrt thc tro pengrrphr ncxt rbwe, giviag thc oener of thc omeru, stocLholdcrr, rad reuritt boldcr!, if rny, contrin tlot oal'l tlc list of rtockholdcrr and :ccnrity holdcrr er they epgerr uDos the boo&r of thc compuy but ebo, il carcr rherc thc stocLholdcr or ccnritt holder appcrrr uDon tlc bootr of the coopray rr tnrtcc or in iay other fiduciery rcletioo, thc arne of the pcrroo or corpontioa for whon ruch truttce i! ecting, ir jivea; rlro thrt thc .rld tto Denlnphr contriD rtrtcncnt! cmbrrcing rftirnt'r full Lnothdgc rnd bclict .r to tte circunrtlnccr and conditioar uadcr qhich rtoctlolderr rad rccsrity holdcn wbo do nol epperr upoa thc boolr of tbc comDalt !t tniltcar. hold rtock end rccuriticr ln e crpecity other th.r thrl ol e bon 6dc omer; end tbir rfiirat her oo rciroa to bclievc tttt rny othcr ocrro. ecrbciatio, or corpor.tid her rny intarcrt dirrct or indirlct in t5c rrid rtock, bonds, or other recuriticr thra tr ro rtttcd by hira,

-Before mc, a Notery Pubtic il and for tbc Stete end maty tforc. sard, .persona_ily a-ppered J. E. Martin, wbo, having been duly uom 1cgg-rdrng t_o taw, dcposc8 and says that he is tbe Businerg Maaager of Thc California Lumber Mcrchant, and that tbe following ic, to the bcst of hir knowledge and belief, a true ltatcmcnt of thc owncirhip, management (rad if a daily pepcr, thc circulation), ctc., of the aforesaid publication for thc date shown in the abovc eption, rcquircd bt thc Act o[ August 21, l9l?,., amended by the Act of Marth 3, 1933, cmbodicd in rcction 537, Pctal Ltwr and Regrrlations, printed on the revcrsc of this form, to wit: l. That the n.mc! end addttrces of the publicher, editor, meneging editor, and busincss mana8rrs are: Publishcr, J. C. Dionnc, 508 Ccntral Blds., Irs Angeles 14, Calif.; Editor, J. C. Dionne, 508 Central Bldg,' Los Angeles 14, Calif.; Managing Editor, J. E. Martin,50B Central Bldg., hs Angeles 14, Calif ; Business Manager, J. E. Martin, 508 Central Bldg., Los Anceles 14, Calif. 2. T-hat thc owncr ir: (If omed bt corporetim, itr aamc rnd eddrers must be steted and alro immcdietely thertundcr thc namc! lnd lddresscs of rtockholdcr: oming or holding mc pcr ent d aorc of totet amount of rtoclc. If not orocd bt r corpontin, thc arnar rnd eddrccscc of tbc individud omcrl rnurt bc given. If omcd by r firm, ompeny, or other unincorporrted Goacem, itr namc ead rddrur, er well ar thce of cech individurl nember, mwt be givcn.)

The Cglifomia Lumbcr Mcrchut (a corporation), 508 Centrel Bldg., Lor Angclca.

J. C. Dionne, hc Angcles, Calif.

J. E. Martin, Lor Angcles, Calil.

W. T. Bleck, Sen Francisco. C:lilonlr.

T. P. Wicr, Ilonrtor. Tcxr!.

Mrs. A. C, Mcrryman, Pasadae, Califoraia Maymme Adams, Los Angelcs, Calif.

3. Thst thc Lnom boldholdcn, mortSr8cc!, end otbcr .ccuritt boldcrr oming or holding I pcr ccnt or morc of totrl rmount of, bcds, uut8rgcs, or other rccuriticr rrc: (If thcrc rrc nonc, ao rtrtc.) Noac.

5. That lhe rvcrrge lunbcr of copier of crch iuue of rhir publi- cetion rold q dirtributed, throogt thc rnrib or othcrwi3c, to nid rubrcriberr during thc trclve Eonth! Drcccding thc drtc rbom tbovl ir (Ttir iafonnrtioa ir _rqaircd lrom drily publicetioor oaly.) slrorn to and subscribcd r.r.J;3',if"A[Tt]!, ".f '3:i3#l"t?ffj' (SEAL) MARGARET S. EVANS. Notarv Public. (l[y commireio crpircs Fcbru.ry 4 tga?.)

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