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Douglas FieA total of 322 rtlls reporting to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association for the week ended October 15 operated at 24.4 per cent of capacity, as compared to 23.8 per cent of capacity for the previous week and 31.7 pet cent for dre sanre week last year. Durlng the week 199 of these plants were reported as down and 123 as operating.
217 mills for the wee[< ended October 15 produced 61,t86'rl5 feet or 25.8 pet cent of their weekly capacity. Cutrent new business of these mills was 3.E4 pa cent undet ptoduction and 24.E per cent of their weekly capacity. The previous week production of t{rese mills equalled 25.1 pet cent and salq 25.7 per cent of their weekly capacity. Shipments for the week were 7.17 pet cent over ptoduction"
Unfilled orders decreased 6'951'000 feet from the previous week. New export business received during the week vas 2r,27.C{J/J feet less, new domestic cargo orders wete 1r354rfi)0 feet over and new rail business incteased 139'000 feet, while t{re local trade incteased 4l2rO0/J feet as compared with the ptevious we€kts business.
For tlre week ended October 15, these 217 mills reported the following: Production 61,386,tt5 feet; Shipments 6517861238 feet; Orders 59rO26222 Lerlt.
Unsold stocks on tlhe public docks at San Pedro are low and on October 26 totaled 1r887ro00 feet. Cargo arrivals at San Pedro for the week ended October 22 amounted to 613411000 feet, which included 9 carges of Fir totaling 5r792,OOO feet and 2 cargoes of Redwood with 5491000 feet. 55 lumber vessels were operating in the Califotnia service on Octobet 22, and,53 vessels were laid up.
The California volume during the past two weeks was reported light. Mil[ prices.continue firm. Los Angeles building permits for the first twenty-two days of October totaled f896,426.
Tahoe Sugar Pine Lumber Co. has been organized with Emmett L. Marsh as president. The company will build a sawmill and start manufacturing in the spring at Graniteville, Nevada County. Offices are in the Monadnock Building, San Francisco.
Production of softwood lumber as reported by the mills dur. ing the week ended October 15 was t{re latgest of any weeh since June, and new business was the smallest of any week since the middle of August, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufactuters Association covering the operations of 687 leading soft'wood and hardwood mills. Hardwood production was the largest since July and new business heaviest since last winter except for one week.
New business as shown by all reporting mills during the week ended October 15 totaled 145rEE9,fi)0 feet. Production was l23r727r000 f.eet. This was 24 pet cent of capacity, compared with 24 per cent the previous week. New business was 28 per cent of capacity, compared with 3O per cent the week befote. Production of identical softwood .nd hard*ood mills :was 25 per cent below that of the corresponding week of last yeat and new business as reported by these mills was 13 per cent below last year.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended October 15 reported new business ftom 117 mills as 3014951000 feeto shipments 32r47OrOOO feet, and production 23166210@ f.eet. Orders were 29 per cent over production and 6 per cent below shipments. Shipments were 37 per cent above production
The Western Pine Association for the week rqrorted new business from 105 mills as t6rTl3rOOO feet, shipments 40r526r0fi) feet, and production 28r545rOOO feet. Orders were 29 pet cent above production and 9 per cent below shipments. Shipme4ts wete 42 per cent above production.
241 hardwood mills teporting for the same week grve new business as 17r187r0(X) feet, or 95 per cent above production, and shipments 15r765rfiD feet, or 79 pet cent above produc,tion. Production was Er8l9r000 feet.
The California Redwood Association for the month of September reports orders received from 11 mills as 13r803rfiX) feet, orders on hand z0r2zlrffllO feet, shipments l0r371ro0o feet, production 9r42l rOOO f,eet.
E.. L. Shevlin, assistant manager of the Shevlin-Hixon Company, Bend, Oregon, was a recent visitor at the offices of the Shevlin Pine Sales Company in San Francisco and Los Angeles. He also spent a few days at the McCloud River Lumber Company plant at McCloud, Calif.
Lumber Associations Consolidate Purchasing Agents See Lumber Exhibits
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 19.-The consolidation of the Willamette Valley Lumb'ermen's Association, with headquarters at Eugene, Oregon, and the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, this city, has been effected, according to an announcement of the West Coast organization today.
"The consolidation of the two former organizations has been considered for some time," the association stated, "for the purpose of giving the lumber interests of the Douglas fir region a single parent association. In absorbing the functions of the Willamette Valley Association our organization is keeping the former Secretary, Herbert Cox, ancl the office at Eugene. X{r. Cox rvill be secretary of the Willar.nette Valley branch of the West Coast l-umberrnen's Association and rvill represent the Seattle office of the Association in all its usual functions besides giving the mills in the Willamette Valley direct and personal interest in local problems."
The West Coast l-umbermen's Association now has tl-rree offices in the Douglas fir regior.r ; the headquarters at Seattle, one in Portland ancl the thircl in Eugene.
Members of the Purchasing Agents' Association of Northern California had the opportunity of seeing interesting exhibits of California Pine and Douglas Fir lumber at the Fifth Annual Advertisers' Exposition arranged for the pur,chasing agents by the official publication of the association, "Pacific Purchaser," and held at the Palace F{otel, San Francisco, October 19.
The Red River Lumber Cornpany, Westwood, Calif., had an exhibit of California Pine cabinet rvork. sash and doors and log cabin siding.
Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Cor.npanl., San Francisco, exhibited a number of itenrs of treatecl ar.rd untreatecl Douglas Fir lumber.
Prominent Banker to Address East B.y Hoo Hoo Barg-Vollkommer
Henry H. Barg, of Barg, Ziel & Co., importers and exporters of lumber, San Francisco, was married to Miss Hilda Vollkommer of Pittsburgh, Pa., October 8, in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Barg made a honeymoon trip to Mexico. They will make their home in Sausalito.
Will C. Wood, vice-president ancl manager of the Oakland Bank Office of the Bank of Arnerica, rvill be the speaker of the evening at the next dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, to be held at the Athens Athletic Cltrb, Oakland, Monday evening, Noven.rber 14 at 6:09 p.m. All lumbermen are lvelcome. Dinner price has been reduced to 85 cents.