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Wants To Sell On A Commission Basis
Experienced lumberman would like to handle ties, timbers or shingles for good wholesale lumber concern on a commission basis. Can produce. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-455. care California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted To Buy
Good light lumber truck with or without preferred. Give full description and price. C-456, California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position
rollers. Ford Address Box
Young business, Familiar California lady with several years' experience in the lumber u'ants position with Los Angeles lumber firm. with all office details. Address Box C-457. care Lumber Merchant.
\food Waste Utilization Produces Revenue
The railways of the country are keenly interested in the movement to utilize the thousands of tons of recoverable wood waste annually being thrown away at the present time, according to John Foley of Philadelphia, Forester of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The lvood industries now are following the example of other industries in turning their waste piles into profit, he stated.
Not only is wood ground into flour for certain uses, but even sawdust is used as raw material for a number of important products, such as composition materials, linoleum, explosives, insulation, and many others. Much of the sarvmill waste now is utilized by domestic pulp mills and turned into pulp and paper products.
While it is often impracticabie to haul sarvmill rvaste long distances, on account of its bulky nature, local byproducts industries with the sawmill as the center, are being established. Furthermore, close utilization of our timber resources, according to Mr. Foley, is the real foundation for commercial reforestation, a matter of great interest to the railways and the general public.
Mr. Foley, who is a member of the executive comn-rittee of the National Committde on Wood Utilization of the Department of Commerce, stated that the committee's work in making a detailed survey of wood rvaste of the Atlantic Coast states is of a constructive and practical nature.
"It is gratifying to learn that aclvantage is taken of this work and that increased employment and industrial activity have followed." he stated.
Lumberman With Management And Executive Ability Open For Position
California lumberman with executive ability and with fifteen years practical experience in the logging, mill, wholesale and retail ends of the business is open for a position with a progressive lumber company where responsibility and initiative is essential. Position must have good future pro3pects. At present employed and for the past ten years has been manager and sales manager of large metropolitan wholesale and retail yard in California. Extensive acquaintanceship with lumber executives, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers on the Pacific Coast. Will consider going to Orient, Central or South American countries. Address Box C-458, Care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants To Purchase
Want to make connection with Portable Saw Mill in Southern California for the pur,chase of complete output of lumber, from 10,0OO to 15,000 feet of lumber per day. Address California Lumber Merchant. Box c-459.
Young man with several years' experience in Los Angeles lumber offrce wants position. Expert stenographer and typist and familiar with all branches of office work. Zz years of age. Will appreciate an interview. Address Box C- ffi, The California Lumber Merchant.
Chips from the Forest
Tiny wood beetles that act as "pa,ck horses" for fungi that injure timber is the latest discovery of Government scientists working in the national forests of the Pacific Coast States. It has been found that the micros,copi,c spores of the blue-stain fungus, which frequently attacks fire killed trees as well as lumber stacked in yards, atta,ch themselves to wood-boring beetles and are thus transported to other trees where they take root and start their destructive growth. ***
It was a Connecticut Yankee who first made wooden nutmegs, but it remained for an Oregonian to manufacture wooden nest eggs of western red cedar, and do a prosper_ ous business turning them out, reports the U. S. Forest Service. It is said the hens approved of them because they warm more easily than glass or porcelain and their odor is distasteful to vermin.