1 minute read
Have you tried this method to make shingle roofing prospects say "YES"?
Right now, every lumber dealer is interested in ONE thing . . . making sales that show a profit. Flintkote is using this page twice a month to report how dealers are using its products to win profitable business.
For example, wetve found many Flintkote dealers who are ".llirg from house to house with samples of Tripletabs. They tell us that Tripletabs, because of t'heir unusud designtogether with the beauty of both Forestry Blend and plain colors, awaken active interest among roofing or re-roofing prospects.
Because Tripletabs are distincdy different, unlike any ot{rer type of shingle, these dealers have something rcilly NEW to talk about . . . a genuine reason for calling to solicit fdl business. They have ttnews" to tell their customers. A simple plarf? Yes. But it is bringing in a volume of profitable shingle business for these dealers. And when you build busines on Tripletabs, it is YOUR business, because Tripletabs are an EXCLUSM product. Try this method in your tenitory and watch customers say ttyestt!