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Retailers and Redwood Committees Hold Conference
Members of the Lumber Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association and the Redwood Relationship Committee held one of their periodical meetings at the Lakeside Country Club, San Francisco, October 14. The majority of those attending met for dinner at the club on the evening of the 13th and the business meeting started immediately after breakfast and continued until noon.
Ralph P. Duncan, general manager, Merced Lumber Co., Merced, chairman of the retailers' committee, presided, and matters of interest to both retailers and manufacturers rvere cliscussed.
Robert C. Sudden
Robert C. Sudden, 71, capitalist and shipping magnate, died at his home in San Mateo, October 23. Mr. Sudden rvas president of the Sudden Estate Company, the Sudden Shipping Co., and vice-president of the West Coast Lumber Co., San Francisco. He was born in San Francisco.
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders qlrit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're.getting.
E. E. Yoder Wins Golf Cup
The usual golf tournament was played in the afternoon, and E. E. Yoder, resident manager of The Pacific Lumber Company, won the J. H. Holmes perpetual trophy with a gross score of 87. The tournament was played on the Ocean Course.
Al Nolan, Western sales manager, The Pacific Lumber Comparry, chairman of the arrangements committee, had the satisfaction of hearing everybody declare they had a most enjoyable time, and it was also freely remarked that these rneetings have been beneficial in their results to the retailers and the manufacturers.
New Yard in Oakland
George A. Johnson & Son have opened a retail lur4ber yard at the old site of the General Mill & Lumber Co., foot of 34th Street, Oakland. Mr. Johnson was formerly manager of the General Mill & Lumber Co.