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R.y Clotfelter Again Heads Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California

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Ray Clotfelter, W. R. Spalding Lumber Co., Visalia, Calif., was re-elected president ofthe Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California at the annual meeting and war conference of the Association held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, October 13.

financially to the Association's support, he said.

The secretary stressed the need for postwar planning and stated that they must take leadership in the building of thousands of new homes, barns, and repair and remodeling jobs when materials are again available. He concluded by saying that in spite of gloomy predictions the retail industry has shown itself to be resourceful, and is still doing a considerable amount of business.

The secretary announced that the Association has contracted with Fulton Lewis, Jr., to give a talk at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on March L8,1944.

Secretcry Ecnrcrd E. lcrborurer, and Bernard B. Barber, tary.

J. H. Kirk, Southern Pacific Milling Co., San Luis Obispo, ,was elected vicepresident; I. E. Horton, South City Lumber & Supply Co., South San Francisco, was re-elected treasFresno, was re-elected secre-

The new directors are: San Francisco County, F. L. Dettmann; Peninsula District, I. .E. Ilorton, South San Francisco, Z. T. Thorning, Redwood City; Santa Cruz County, E. E. Carriger, Santa Cruz; Tulare County, Ray Clotfelter; San Joaquin Valley, E. E. Schlotthaeuer, Fresno, Milt Cross, Merced; Redwood Empire, Henry Laws, Santa Rosa, Russ Stevens, Healdsburg; Alameda County M. D. Bishop, El Cerrito; Coast Counties, J. H. Kirk, San Luis Obispo, Earle Johnson, Watsonville; Santa Clara, Leo Cheim, San Jose; Kern County, Walter Peterson, Bakersfield; Northern Counties, George Adams, Walnut Grove, Charles Shepard, Sacramento; Central Valley, C. H. Garner, Stockton, Robert Fuller, Lodi.

Joe Rogers, Square Deal Lumber Co., Salinas, was chairman of the Nominating Committee.

Secretary Bernard B: Barber in his report told of the splendid increase in membership of the Association in the Iast year. In spite of losses through liquidation there are now 275 paid up members, plus 48 firms that contribute

George M. Cornwall, The Timberman, Portland, spoke briefly on the subject of lumber production. E. P. Hoener, Western Building, Portland, read an outline of the work of the Home Planners fnstitute, now operating in Portland, and largely financed by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association.

At the annual banguet in the evening, Kenneth Smith, president of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, was toastmaster. He addressed the gathering on the subject of "Lumber Merchants and Postwar Planning."

Col. Willard T. Chevalier, vice-president and director of McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, and publisher of Business Week, gave an address on "'What Shall We Do With Victoryf'

Stock Millwork

To cover higher costs OPA increases ceiling prices for stock millwork specialties made of Western and Northern pine lumber. (Amendment I to Revised Maximum Price Regulation 293), effective Oct. 26. Jobbers are authorized by OPA to use their usual method of pricing in passing on to buyers the recent 3/o increase in manufacturers'ceiling prices. (Amendment 2 to Revised Maximum Price Regllation 293), effective Oct. 26.

Merchcrnt Marine

Dennis Gilchrist, salesman for Pope & Talbot, fnc., Lumber Division, at Los Angeles, is in the Merchant Marine. He reported for dirty on October 1.

Jaclc Dionne \(/ill Speak at Oakland Meeting Nov. 10

Jack Dionne, publisher of The California Lumber Merchant and The Gulf Coast Lumberman, will be the speaker of the evening at the next dinner meeting of East Bay HooHoo Club, to be held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Wednesday evening, November 10.

In making this announcemient President D. Normen Cords said: "'We are pleased to have the opportunity of hearing Mr. Dionne again, and have invited men from all branches of the lumber industry to attend. We expect a large crowd. Dinner will be served at 6:39 p.m."

Buy Mill

Ralph S. Sturgeon and James E. Henningsen have purchased Sturgeon's Mill at Route l, Sebastopol, Calif., fron Ralph Sturgeon's father, Wade Sturgeon, and his partner, J. W. Gonnella, who have been operating the plant at the same setting for the past eighteen years. The new owners have nearly a half million board feet of splendid Redwood logs to start sawing oh. No change will be made in the name of the establishment.

Buss Stevens Ncmred Kiwanis Governor-Elect

Russell B. Stevens, A. F. Stevens Lumber Co., Healdsburg, Calif., was named Governor-elect for the CaliforniaNevada district of Kiwanis International, succeeding Thomas E. Gore of Riverside, Calif., after the close of the convention held at Santa Cruz. October 11.

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