1 minute read
ftlY 6]@uoiif, Shiq . .
Bq fleah Siaaac
Age not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 20 years"-Somc Lesr
He Wanted Directions
They had just tried the colored brother for bigamy, and the jury had brought in a verdict of not guitty. The Judge said to the prisoncr:
'You are now free. The iury has brought in a verdict of acquittd, so you are no longcr a prisoner of the state, anit it is your privilege to leave this court a free man, and
Fred Holmes in East komoted to Ccptcrin
Fred V. Holmes, president of Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, left October 16 on a business trip to Chicago. He was accompanied by Mrs. Holmes and expects to be back about the middle of November.
Lieutenant Robert F. (Bob) Duttle, now on overseas service with the Quartermaster Corps, has been promoted to Captain. He is the son of Frank G. Duttle, president of Sterling Lumber Company, Oakland.