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"Our Douglas Fir Plywood sales ore ' ;ing by leaps ond bounds" tncreol
Says progressive Vancouver, Washington, dealer!
o "Our Douglas Fir Plywood sales are increasing by leaps and bounds. t "tgely responsible for this increase is the extensive plywood use in residential construction, but this has been a banner year for exterior plywood boats, too. We also use thousands of feet of Douglas Fir Plywood in our planing mill. We are making a special efiort to push all the grades and the Dri-Bilt methods because they're all good business."
JAMES F. HUTTON, President and outner, Central Wood Prodtcts, Inc, Vancotoer, h.
Here's why it's good business for you to push this "Miracleo wood
| Streomllned lnvenlory
You get a lot of satisfaction out of ha.dling Douglas Fir Plywood. rJfhen you have all fve grades in representative sizes and thickness, your stock is complete, ready for every demand. You never have to worry about "here-todaygone-tomorrow" colors and fnishes.
2.Selllng made eosy
Every panel of Douglas Fir Plywood made by Association Mills is stamped with a "grade trade-mark" in accordance with U. S. Commercial Standard CS45-4o. This makes identifcation easy and positive . permits you to sell the right type of Douglas Fir Plywood for every purpose.
3. Unllmiled market
Give any man a panel of Douglas Fir Plywood and right away he'll start to figure out a use for it. That's why there are thousands of uses for this "modern miracle in wood." If you aren't cashing in on this unlimited market the way you should, start today. Every customer is a prospect.
4. Drl-BlIt meons volume
The inroduction of the two DriBilt with Plywood methods of construction has resulted in bigger dealer volume than ever before. You sell all the materials for a Dri-Bilt house have greater turn-over because Dri-Bilt houses go up and sell quicker. If you aren't urging your builders to save time and money with the Dri-Bilt method suited to their needs, you're passing up aa oppotunity to make real money.
5. F.H.A. accepted
Remember, you can boost Plywood for home construction with the utmost confdence because its use is accepted by F.H.A. as well as approved in the Uniform Building Code.