1 minute read
Here are lour close-ups which rhow you at a glance how 'IRADLEY BRAND" glandardr lollow through lrorn lorest lo linished lloor.
tn lhege you see lundernental "reasons why" lor the inherent quality which distinguishes'IRADLEY'BRAND" hardwood tlooring itgell - - . quality rellected in yearr oI splendid service, line appearance and owner satislaction.
Yet, behind Bradley's clandards are nrore than adequate timber resources and rnodern equipment. These are esrential, but equally important are lhe lactors ol long establishnrent, intelligent study ol trade and builders' requiremenll, research, and .the intcntion lo make a betler product.
It is in lhese respecls, loo, that Bradley qualifies: as a pioneer operation lsince 19011 by constant improvement through expetimenl and testing under conditions ol practical use and through painstaking policies which have egtablished "ERADLEY BRAND" as the standard ol comparison in hardwood llooring.
"BRADLEY ERAND" tardwood tlooring in. cludes standard strip and "rNail-Seated' stock in Oah and Beechl also Oak Plank Ilooring in both V and llush-ioint design, lhe latter including plugs and butterllier, il desired. Eor lilerature and quotations, call our nearegt representative or addregr: