2 minute read
State Retailers Conv ene at Santa Barbara
The 21st annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association was held at the Santa Barbara Biltmore Hotel, Santa Barbara, November 7 and 8. There was a good attendance and the business sessions held the attention of the dealers from start to finish.
Addresses by prominent speakers on subjects of vital interest to retail lumber dealers were heard and many matters of importance to the industry were discussed.
Arrangements for the convention were made by the executive committee of the Southern California Retail Lumbermen's Association and its able secretary-manager, C. W. Pinkerton. Frank Harrison, Santa Barbara, was in charge of the entertainment.
Many expressions of appreciation were heard of the excellent service of the Santa Barbara Biltmore Hotel, the beauty and charm of its surroundings and the efforts of the genial manager, Will P. Taylor, and his staff to make everybody happy.
Thursday Morning
Registration was in progress throughout the morning and a golf tournament was held on the course of the Montecito Country Club.
Thursday Noon
Luncheon was served outdoors by the side of the Biltmore's famous Coral Casino swimming pool. Entertainment was provided by a diving exhibition by Johnny Riley, 1938 high board title holder, and members of the Pasadena Women's Athletic Club team. The girls also gave an exhibition of water waltzing to music.
Thursday Afternoon
A. E. Fickling, Fickling Lumber Co., Long Beach, president of the Southern California Lumbermen's Association, welcomed the gatfrering.
Ray Clotfelter, W. R. Spalding Lumber Co., Visalia, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, presided.
Attendance prizes were won by Robert Kimble, Jr., Se- quoia Lumber Co., Visalia, ($10.00), and Paul M. P. Merner, Merner Lumber Co., Palo Alto, ($5.00).
I. N. Tate, vice.president of Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, addressed the convention on the subject of "Lumber's Highest Hurdle." Mr. Tate's fine talk is reproduced in full elsewhere in this issue.
George D. Riddle, Los Angeles, chief architect of the Federal Housing Administration for Southern California, spoke on "Minimum Moisture Content Regulations." He stated that only one job in Southern California had been tied up as a result of excessive moisture content since the moisture content provisions had gone into effect on April 15 of this year, and that this job was tied up for only 10 days.
Wm. O. Harris, Los Angeles, FHA production manager for Southern California, who introduced Mr. Riddle, announced that loans granted by his office had reached the 100,000 mark that morning.
The remainder of the session rvas taken up by the showing of the new Technicolor talking picture of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association. The picture, exhibited by Joe Weston, El Monte, Calif., Southern California representative of the Association, runs 44 minutes and is packed with interesting scenes from start to finish. Production of Douglas Fir plywood is shown from the logging of the timber and selection of peeler logs to the loading of cars with the finished product. In the latter part of the picture a number of atttactive Dri-Bilt plywood houses and the method of constructing them are shown, with many other uses for plywood.
Entertainment at dinner was provided by the Craviotta Orchestra, Spanish dancers and an attractive lady accordionist.
Friday Morning
A. E. Fickling of Long Beach presided at this session.
The $10.00 attendance prize was awarded to W. K. Kendrick, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, and the $5.00 prize to (Continued on Page 10)
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