2 minute read
611 Howard Street, San Francisco
On Arrcngements Combittee
(Continued from Page 8) material prices have been increasing ever since the GovForrest K. Peil, Hammond Redwood Co., San Francisco. ernment started its investigation of alleged price trxing by
A. C. Williamson, representative of the merchandising varlous groups' Institute of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Associa- Referring to the defense program the speaker remarked tion, who has been organizing group meetings in Southern that cash expenditures for this program are running 400 california for those studying;r1st.a selling Methods," ex- million dollars a month now and will reach 600 million a plained the program of the Institute. month by June, 1941, and will probably average 5@ rnillion
A young lady representative of the convention Bureau tn" next five vears' He said he beof Stockton chamber of commerce, invited the members to hold their 1941 convention in Stockton' penses of government and sounded a pessimistic note when
Roy Wenzlick of St. Louis, nationally recognized construction and realty analyst, took as his subject, "How he made a guess that "the next depression may make 1932 I\ruch..Building Will rhere be During the Next Five ,
, , , luestions. Among years.,, .LVrr. wenzllcK anslvered a numDer or ( ilrustrating his talk with charts, th: rulg:st..o.r
*hich*:i:1Jl;'tX'i:tr?"#:tT,H:,1::"SJ;ii::kI#t"1 showed National real estate cycles, wholesale_ buildin$ *_"-E Lumber Co., Santa Ana; paul Merner, Merner Lumber terial costs and'commodity prices frcim 1795 to-194a,-,1"' Co., palo Alto; paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., speaker said he forecasts the future by observation of the past. The first rea,J estate and construction boom in the Los Angeles' and A' c' williamson' Los Angeles' united states was in lbs, he stated, r'te d;.ecto," ", .?:'T:::1,1T::tT5d a breakrast meetbetween booms since that time has been 18.3 years, the,. irr* at which there was a good attendance. president Ray regularlty ofr the cycles being remarkable. & Clltfelter presided. It was decided to subscribe to the in the early 1940's, reaching the peak in 1943 or 1944, and Friday Afternoon that he now thinks the peak will be 1945 or 1946. He be- E. C. Parker, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles, lieves there will be a lift in general business about the end presided. The $10.00 attendance prize was won by Chas. of this year; residential building will slow down for a E. Bonestel, Ventura, and the $5.00 prize was won by John while owing to increasing costs, but industrial building W. Fisher, Fisher-Swartz Lurnber Co., Santa Monica. will grow rapidly in the next year.
In his book on "The Coming Boom in Real Estate,r National fund being raised for a test case on the Wage and published in 1936, Mr. Wenzlick said he predicted a boom Hour Administration's definition of a retailer.
A. A. Kayser, West Coast Lumbermen's Association,
He predicted that building costs will continue to rise Los Angeles, gave a talk on "Figures and Probable Effect and may be 50 per cent higher in five years; that a hous- of the Governmental Defense Program on the Lumber ing shortage will develop, rents will go uP, and when Market." IJe expressed the belief that there will be a rents reach a certain point people will start to build again; five-year period of prosperity in the lumber and building that wages will be higher owing to unionizing of the build- material business due to the defense program expenditures ing industry, and that commodity prices and building ma- affecting all lines of business. terial costs will rise steeply as they have done during all
"Closer Cooperation Among Building-I.oan Associations war-time periods in the past. and Retail Lumber Dealers" was the topic chosen by Thos.
He pointed out that building volume per capita in the J. Dixon, past president of the California Savings & BuildUnited States has been lower recently than in other re- ing-Loan League. The speaker urged that this closer cocovery periods in spite of Government stimulation through operation between lumber dealers and financial institutions the FHA. He also drew attention to the fact that building
(Continued on Page 13)