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Introducing A NEW GRAW.FIR.DOR MODEL The FlushType IT PAYS TO SELL the extrs"yearage" of
O Ask progressive dealers and jobbers in any part of the country what their fastest-selling overhead-type garage door ls, and they'll answer "Craw-Fir-Dor". If you aren't cashing in on the immense popularity of this door, start in today. The inuoduction of the new flush-type design gives you a real opportunity. Now you have a Craw-Fir-Dor to suit every architectural design exactly.
Builders and car owners consider the Craw-Fir-Dot a teal buy because the price is low, yet includes a quality door of durable Douglas fu, extra strength hardware, a free-spinning cylinder lock and complete instructions for installing, This door is pre-ftted for 8'x 7'openings and weather-stripped. Any carpenter can install a Craw-Fir-Dor in less than half a day. From then on, the garage user gets nothing but pleasure. The door fies open without efiort. never needs servicing.
See the 4 Craw-Fir-Dor designs at yout distributor's today. If he can't supplyyou,write Fir Door Institute,Tacoma,lfash.
Nout aationall adoettised in Ameriun Home and Better Homes & Gardens
Nature gives Redwood the inherent qualities which enable it to withstand exposure to earth, air and moisture.
Palco Redurood has the accurate millmg, proper curing and careful grading that bring your customers back for more. It pays to sell the extra "yearage" of Redwood. It pays to buy Palco Redwood. The Palco Redwood representative will show you why.
Spoxsors oJ tbe Duable Vods Institile