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Lumber Merchants of Northern California Hold 2nd Annual Convention at Def Monte

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The second annual convention of the Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California, held at Hotel Del Monte, Del Monte, Calif., on October 30, 31, and November 1, was well attended, with a registration of more than 275 including 75 ladies. The attendance included a number from various districts of Southern California.

There was an excellent attendance at all the sessions and many compliments were heard on the quality of the speakers on various interesting and topical subjects who were on the program.

The convention opened with a luncheon at noon on Thursday. President Ray Clotfelter welcomed the gathering, and Wilbur M. "Dick" Wilson, Willard Lumber & Supply Co., Fresno, toastmaster, introduced Dr. Frederick P. Woellner, professor and economic advisor of the IJniversity of California at Los Angeles, who delivered the keynote address on "Ten .Certainties f.or 194l-1942."

Dr. Woellner's keynote was "high hope," as against much pessism heard regarding the immediate and postwar future. ITe expressed his conviction that there will be no invasion of this country, no revolution, no dictatorship and no inflation in the United States; no collapse here after the war and no Axis world supremacy.

President Clotfelter presided at the business session that followed the luncheon.

Bernard B. Barber gave the reports of the secretary and treasurer. In his remarks following the reports he said that it w'as hoped that 100 new members will be added during the coming year through the activity of a field man; that there never was a time in the history of the industry when there was a greater opportunity for cooperation in business than there is at present, and that retail lumbermen can't afford to face the future unorganized.

The officers and board of directors of the Association were re-elected. The officers are Ray Clotfelter, W. R. Spalding Lumber Co., Visalia, Calif., president; F. Dean Prescott. Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, Calif., vice-president; I. E. Horton, South City Lumber & Supply Co., South San Francisco, Calif., treasurer.

Bernard B. Barber, Fresno, Calif., was elected secretary, and his ofifice was authorized by the board to take over the legal w.ork of the Association and to put a man in the field.

The board of directors consists of the officers and the following:

George Adams, Noah Adams Lumber Co. . Walnut Grove

Merle D. Bishop, Builders Emporium. ...EI Cerrito

George C. Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co.... .Tulare

E. E. Carriger, Santa Cruz Lumber Co. Santa Cruz

F. L. Dettmann, Allen & Dettman Lumber Co.

San Francisco

Frank Duttle, Sterling Lumber Co.... .....Oakland

J. O. Handley, Carmel Building Supply Co.......Carmel

George Keu'in, United Lumber Yards. ..Modesto

Henry Larvs, Henry Laws Co. ...Santa Rosa

J. H. Kirk, Southern Pacific Milling Co.. San Luis Obispo

Walter E. Peterson, Bakersfield Building Materials Co. ' Bakersfield

Charles Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co.. Sacramento

Warren Tillson, Modesto Lumber Co.. . Modesto

William Wright, Wright Lumber Co.... .Stockton

Five directors-at-large were elected. They are:

Paul M. P. Merner, Merner Lumber Co........ .Palo Alto

E. E. Schlotthauer, lVillard Lumber & Supply Co. Fresno

Stephen Ross Jr., Central Lumber Co.. . Hanford

Frank Baxley, Brey-Wright Lumber Co.......Porterville

E. H. Garner, San Joaquin Lumber Co..........Stockton

Friday Morning

Frank Baxley, Brey-Wright Lumber Co., Porterville, presided.

"The Power of Propaganda" was the title of an address by Dr. W. Ballentine Henley, president of the College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, Los Angeles.

D. C. McGinness, director, Federal Housing Administration, San Francisco, spoke on "Federal Housing and National Defense." He discussed the issuance of preference ratings for critical materials to builders of defense housing, and explained that the FHA acts as the representative of OPM in this matter.

Dr. J. Hugh Jackson, Dean of the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, gave a talk on "The Business Outlook" which helped his hearers to gain a clearer concept of the magnitude of the defense program, and the consequent inevitable dislocation of normal business.

Friday Afternoon

Robert Kimball, Sequoia Lumber Co., Visalia, Calif., presided.

John E. Canaday, public relations manager of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif., addressed the convention on "Aviation and National Defense."

Carl Blackstock, Blackstock Lumber Co., Seattle, and president of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, in his talk stressed the value to the individual retail lumber dealer of the work of the national association, which has saved the industry millions of dollars by its activities.

He recommended the Home magazine as the best medium for advertising the retailers' business at a cost of 4 or 5 cents a copy including rnailing.

"The Re-valuation of Democracy" was the subject of an address by Dr. Tully C. Knoles, president of the College of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif.

(Continued on Page 1l)


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