3 minute read
\(/aterproof Redwood
Panels Featu red on Daly City Yard Exterior
IietlLil lurnlrcr dealers rvill be intercstcrl in thc unusual cffect olrtained bv thc rrsc of Supcr-l I:rrlrorcl u,atcrproof Ileclt'oorl panels on the cxterior of 1l'rc ncu'olllce anci store building of A. I-. Stockton l,trmber Cornpanr', Dall' City-, Calif. 'fhe builcling has a frontage of 112 fcet on N{ission Street and extcncls .10 feet on Wilson Strcet. Tire vard has an area of rnore than half a citv block anrl carries a stock of about 1,000,00) fcct.
This business was cstablishccl 32 years :rgci b-r. the late .\. L. (Al) Stocktorr, onc of San lirancisco's pioneer retail lunrbernren, u'ho had lreen in the ltturber business on Guerrcro Street for sevcral vcars before he movecl to Daly Citi'.
'fhe business is non headed by his son, A. lI. Stockton, rvho is cloirrg a goocl job of runnir.rg one of the rnost inrport:Lrrt rct:ril cstalrlishrnents in the San lirarciscri 13a1,- di,.t rict.
A large mill is operatcd in connection u'ith the yard, emPlof ing 30 rncn and nraking a {rrll linc of millrvork.
.A.s u'ill bc scen b-v the picture thc l:rvorrt of the store is ver\- attractivc :rntl conrparablc in :rppcarance with anr, dou'ntorvn city cstablishnrent. The store carries a full line of builders' harrlu,:rrc and specializes in Sherrvin-Williams paints. 'I'crnpered I'rcsch,r'ood is used on the floor and the counter tolt is o[ tl'rer same material. Celotex plank or.r the n.alls and Celotcx tilc on the ceilirrg of both olfice and storr incrcasc light reflection an<l <leaden sorrncl. Celotex rvainscoting is used in the olfice. The lixtures and countcrs are of Philippirre llahogany, all made in the mill.
'l'lie llnc ncu' dis1>lav roonr featttr-cs <loors and cal>incts. rrnrl :r built-in kitcherr of thc {irrrr's orvn nrakc.
Lumber Merchants of Northern California Hold Second Annual Convention
(Continued from Page 8)
The following resolution was passed:
Whereas, the Lumber Merchants Association set the date of their annual convention to be held at Del Monte, October 30. 31, and November 1, and
Whereas, the Western Building and California Lumber Merchant were requested to publicize this event in their current issues, therefore
Be It Resolved, that the members and officers of the Lumber Merchants Association assembled here at Del Monte, October 30, sincerely appreciate the splendid assistance the above named publications have given our proposed convention and
Be It Further Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes and a copy be forwarded to the California Lumber Merchant and the Western Building at their respective offices.
Saturday Morning
The only convention activity scheduled for Saturday was a breakfast meeting of the board of directors.
Entertainment features included a men's stag banquet on Thursday evening, with mubic and a vaudeville prog'ram, and the annual dinner dance on Friday evening. "Dick" Wilson of Fresno was toastmaster at both events and did a fine job.
The ladies were r,vell looked after rvith tours of the grounds, the l7-mile Drive, Carmel and Carmel Mission. There was also a l-adies' banquet on Thursday evening with music and special entertainment.
Golf Tournament
Forty-one golfers took part in the golf tournament on Thursday afternoon on the Del Monte course. Arrangements were in charge of Joe Rogers, Square Deal Lumber Co., Salinas. The prizes were presented to the winners at the stag banquet in the evening by Peter Hay, Del Monte, professional. The prizes were given for the lor,vest net scores.
Tied for first place were G. F. Wentzel, McCloud, and William Ream, Los Angeles, with 68; W. G. Wright, Stockton, and F. E. Chalfan, Oakland tied for second with 69, and there was a four-way tie for third with scores of 7O by A. C. Hayward, Salinas; Chuck Griffen III, Santa Cruz; George Skarich, San Jose, and H. R. Merriam, Oakland.
Prizes of a dozen golf balls were won by E. F. Seagrave, San Francisco, 7l; M. C. Horner, Berkeley, 72; Tom Work, Jr., Monterey, T2; Lloyd Cole, Los Angeles, 23; Sam Nigh, Santa Cruz,73, and Claude Kern, Fresno, 23.
Big Crowd Will Hear FBI Head
A large attendance is expected at the next dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, to be held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Monday evening, November 24. The speaker of the evening will be N.J.L. (Nat) pieper, special agent in charge of the San Francisco of6ce of the Fedelal Bureau of Investigation.