1 minute read

filV alaro,Dik Stouf

82 lacA Saine

Agc not guarantccd---Some I havc told lor 20 ycus---Some Lar

Beating Them To lt

Every day in the papers and magazines old storics from World War One turn up with a modern dressing. But there is one ttrat was mighty popular in f917 and 1918 ttrat haen't been dug up so far in ttris war, that bears retelling.

A big husky Sergeant was drilling an ackward squad made up of a bunch of double-tough rookies from the Bowery. Every time this Sergeant gave an order, it was like this:

"Present arms! So are you! Shoulder arms! So are yout Lcft face! So are youl Right facet So arc yout"

Lumber Auction Held in San Frtrncisco

A little over seven million feet of 'Western Pine lumber was purchased at a lumber auction held in the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, October 29.

Leo Hennessy of the West Coast Lumber Office of the Central Procurement Agency, Portland, was in charge. He was assisted by Maurice Isted.

And so on. Every order he gave was followed by "So are you.tt

Another Sergeant said to him: "Look here, fricnd. What in the Hell kind of orders are those you arc grving? Where do you get that'So are you' stuff? That's not regulationE.tt

Thc other one said: "Listen, soldier. This buncb of tough punks I'm drilling don't fool me none. I know that every time f give them an ordcr, every man of then says undcr his breath-'All right, you dirty big so-and-so'-ord I just say'So are you' and beat them to it."

Controlled Mcrtericrls

Beginning with first quarter of 1944, all allotments qf controlled materials for construction and facilities, save to certain specified military, naval and other programs, WPB says, will be made from a central materials reserve to be established for this purpose by the requirements committee.

Even thoagh few of your cuttoners baild bridges

lbey're all learning, through advertisements like this one, of lhe advantages gained by building with Wolmanized Lunber*, the wood that iB hiS'hty resistant to decay and termites. Many are lea:ming, too, by firsthand contact with wartime projects on which this long-lived wood is used.

Cash in oa +hic new knowledge by reconmending to your custonere that they include Wolmanized Lumber in their plans for poetwar coasbuction. Wolnanized Lumber is diskibuted nationally through regrular trade channels.

Americaa Lumber & Treating Compann 1648 McCormick Building, Chicago 4, Illiaois.

r8qrlrtrred Tradr MuL

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