1 minute read

All Out for Victoryl

QNrr one thing matters now-win the war rnd win it quicklyt S7'e are sure you jobbers and dealers feel the same way about it. Uncle Sam,s orders must be handled firsr, so until victory is won we say to our jobbers and dealers-

Bear Vitb Us

And we hope before long that T/heeler Osgood, America's largest manufacturer of doors, can again say-"Prompt delivery any amount of all standard ty1rcs of doors." Until that time we're doing our best to fulfll your urgenr nee& and developing definite plans for your future benefit.

Tomotrouls Doors Still Better

Todey's conditions encourege the development of new ideas for easy, quick and economical handling of war housing specifcrtions. The besr of these have led to perm.nent changes that will be e part of tomorrow's door. Ve sincerely believe that tihe day is not far away when these improved doors will be availeblc to yotr.

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