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Scarlet and Gold
This gorgeous door commands instant admiration. A distinct novelty nevertheless its charm ris lasting and growing, not tiring. No black and white illustration can convey any adequate idea of its beauty-its blended colors and the light-and-shade of relieved grain.
NO FINISH LIKE IT for only by the RED RMR process of combined sandblast and color application (patents pending) can these eftects be obtained.
DEALERS who are reaching out for new merchandising plans, who want a stimulant for stagnant trade, who are facing strong competition-THls IS MADE FOR YOU. Write or wire today for our SAMPLE EXHI' BITION DOOR PROPOSTTION. lt not onlv sells doors but carries other items of your line along with it. You can be proud to sell lOO Percent Chlifornia. Pine lOO Percent Locked Core.