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How Lumber Looks
Dougles Fir-The approach of the year end, a time when dealerr lower their rtockr to a minimrmr for inventory taking purposes, ie redected in the reportr oi 223 milb in Oregon, Warhinglon and British Cotumbia to the Wert Coart Lumberrnen's Arsociation for the week ending November 16. Production for the week totded 169,9411448 fect, ar oompar€d to tbe output of 1801156'OOO for the preceding week Production ir well below norrnal for thir tine of the year and millr are building inventories in anticiprtion of late winter buriners.
Ord'erl for tte wee& totded 145rO95rOOO feet, of which 6419011000 feet war for domestic cargo delivery, and 2218581000 feet export. New busincss by rail arnormted to 48,772,NO feL Shipmentr totaled l42,7ll,AOO feet, of which 531967,000 feet moved coastwire and intercortd, and 26r339r(XX) feet export. Rail rhipments totded 50,842,(XX) feet. Unrhipped orders totaled 638,477,(X)O feet of which domertic cargg ord'ers totaled 298r113r(Xlo feet, foreign 119r254,0q) feet and rail trade 141r110rq)O fe€t Orders were 14.62 per cent under production and rhipments 16.02 per cent under output.
The California rnarket showed little change dur'mg the part two weeks and the demand is rather quiet. Clenrs continue fairly itrong. Unsold' stockr at San Pedro on November 27 totaled 14r376r(n0 feet. 4O boate ere laid up ar.againrt 36 two weeks ago; four vbrselr (Steamers Mirsoula, Glendoyle, Santa Inez and San Pedro) are operating off-shore. For the first twenty-three dayr of November cargo arrivalr at San Pedro were ar follows: Douglas Fir, 60,226,000 feeti Redwood, 4r59OrOOO feet. Lor .{ngeler building permitr for tte firrt ten montha of the year totded $82r344r413.OO, 5 per cent under last year for tte rame period.
California White and Sugar Pine pricer are ctable and
Defiance Charters Vessel
The Defiance Lumber Company, Tacoma, Washington, has chartered the steamer "Barbara C" and will operate her on a l6-day schedule between Tacoma and San Pedro. They will operate this vessel in addition to their already established wgekly service into this market.
Albert Schafer and Otto Schram of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Door Companv. Montesano. 'Washington. were re- holding firm" Pine rtockr at t{re millr are well balenced' but the millr report leer dry rtock than urual for thic timc of the year, and with the air drying aeason over many itanr in dry lrmbs are none too plentiful. Redwood pricel aie firm. For tte week ending November 16, The California Redwood Arsociation report production from 15 millr ar 9'O2O,OOO feet; rhipments, 8,586'(XX) feet end orden 8r312,(XX) fect. +8r<ii8*a+l.a
Lumber ordcrr for the week ending November 16 werc bclow production, it ir indicated in reportr frorn 838 roftwood and hardwood millr to tte National Lumber Manufacturerc Arsociation. Softwood orderc were reported by 644 mitb as 17 per cent lers, while 221 hardwood milb reported orderr 27 per cent below production. Shipmentr were also lesr t{ran production by l5 pcr cent in softwoods and 19 per cent in hardwoods.
The current relationrhip of shipments end orderr to pre duction for the first 46 weeks of 1929, bared on reporte frorn the regional asociations, ir ar followr:
West Coart Lumbermen'r Associatiql-p1q{qction, 8r091,463 M feet; Shipmentr, 8,O25,0O3 M feet; Orders, 8,093,744.M feet.
Califonda White and Sugar.Pine Associati6n-p16{u6tion, 1,3OO,13O M feet; Shipmente, 112201628 M feet; Orderr, l;218,564 M feet. "
California Redwood Arsociation-Production, 3481914 M feet; Shipmente, 3491613 M feet; Orders, 363,028 M feet.
Southenr Pine Associ4iql-p16r{uction, 3r082r4l4 M feet; Shipment!, 3,089,189 M feet; Orden, 3,O75,(XX) feet.
Total Hardwoodr-Production, 213321973 M feet; Shipment!, 2r2ffir330 M feet; Orderr, 2r263r&tn M feet.
Wheeler Osgood Executive Visits
W. R. Ripley, vice-president and treasurer of the Wheeler Osgood Company, Tacoma, world's largest door producers and manufacturers of the famous Laminex doors and plywood, left San Francisco November 29, after a week's visit to California.
While in San Francisco Mr. Ripley conferred with Larue Woodson, Northern California representative of his con' cern. He also attended the big game at Palo Alto.
Lawrence Visits San Francisco
T. B. "Ted" Lawrence of the Hart-Wood Lumber Com- pany, Montesano, Washington, were relalifornia. spending several davs in San in San pany, Los Angeles, recently made a short business trip to cent visitors to-California, days