1 minute read
lf,ecormielt o o o a dependable serviee for West Coast woods
The four Vest Coast woods-Douglas Fir, Vest Coast Hemlock, IVestetn Red Cedar, Sitka Spruce
-are ided woods for home or indusffial used.
Placing your order with us insures prompt deliveries on any of these woods. McCormick's "Straightline Servicst'- 6111 own timber stands, loggittg camps and railroadsl four big mills, treating plants, feet of coastal vessels, and big distributing yards at
Wilmington-fonn an unusud c-hain of quiclc and dependable service.
This complete McCorrricl< service means that you gain direct accesn to the sources of supply, that our facilities are ample to furnish you with straight or mixed car loadings for yard trade and industrial orders in qpecial sizes and lengths promptly.
Get our quotation on straight or mixed cars. fuk our repnesentative or our nearet sales office.