3 minute read

Annual Conference at Oakland Year on Trade Promotion

Re-elected President

cities towards the close of the year a Dreview of some item of next year's millwork, such-as a showing of three fine doors which could be exhibited in hotel lobbies. He also stressed the importance to the industry of the matter of getting out proper sales literature.

In the absence of Treasurer E. A. Nicholson, Pacific Sash & Door Co., Los Angeles, Mr. Didesch read the treasurer's report, which showed the Institute to be in better financial condition than for some time past. Trade Promotion subscribers, the report showed are paying very promptly.

the successful efforts of his association in combating the use of steel sash and doors in large buildings throughout the country. In their work along this line they found that architects and engineers were not prejudiced against wood, but were undoubtedly influenced by the great amount of literature issued by the steel industty, and their aggressive merchandising campaign. Mr. Mackie's address was received with enthusiasm.

Mr. Didesch read the report of the nominating committee, announcing the nomination of the following directors


Mr. Didesch then distributed Standard Sash & Door Schedules No. 129 to members, and promised that these would be explained and discussed at the afternoon session. The president appointed the following nominating committee: C. W. Lannom, C. E. Mapel, E. R. Maule and M. F. Wistrom.

A. J. Todhunter, Los Angeles, vice-president for the Southern district, reported the decision of the board that delinquent members whose dues are more than three months in arrears will not receive any of the literature of the Institute until their dues are paid-up to date.

President Bernhauer urged members to pay their dues plomptly, and commended the board's decision in this matter, and expressed the hope that it will not be long until every member will subscribe to every activity of the Institdte.

H. E. Weyler, Boyd Mill & Lumber Co., Santa Barbara, described a cooperative plan worked out by his firm with the School Board whereby they take on High School students as apprentices, allowing them to work part time between the ages of 16 and 18, and having them w,ork full time from'l8 to 20, giving them a diploma at the end of the apprenficeship period.

Mr. Bernhauer suggested the possibility in the future of issuing these diplomas from the Institute.

J. E. IVlackie, San Francisco building code engineer of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. told of


to serve in the coming year. These were elected by acclamation.

C. W. Lannom and D. N. Edwards, Oakland; R. R. Smith, Fortuna; T. J. Bridgeford, Sebastbpol ; A. W. Bernhauer, Fresno; Howard Coor-Pender, A. J. Todhunter and H. C. Treff, Los Angeles; R. R. Leishman, Pittsburg; J. Wesley Shrimp, Riverside: H. W. Gaetien and E. T. Nut- Wesley Gaetjen E. J. ting, San Francisco; C. G. Chipchase. Sacramento: Elmore ting, ; Sacramento; King, Bakersfield; H. E. Weyler, Santa Barbara; W. Cowling, San Diego, and J. G. Kennedy, Santa Clara.

Wm. F. O'Keeffe, Stockton, sales manager of the Watertite Casement Hardware Co. gave a list of specific instances where his firm had made sales where metal sash had already been'specified.

Friday Afternoorr

Mr. Bernhauer presided, and as\ed the managing director to. announce the result of the election of officers by the new board of directors, who held their organization meeting at the luncheon hour.

L. G. Sterett, manbger of the Institute's service bureau, in leading the discussion on Trade Promotion told of the activities of his department in making survey of the entire State in the last three and one half months to determine how trade can best be promoted. In addition to calling 87 members during this period, .contact had also been made with 47 architects, and the information gained show-

(Continued on Page 20)

C.'W'. Pinkerton Elected President Orange County Lumbermen's Club

C. W. Pinkerton

C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier, was elected president of the Orange County Lumbermen's Clqb at a meeting of the board of directors held at Fullerton on November 4. Leslie Pearson, E. K. Wood Lumber, Santa Ana, was elected treasurer,

At the annual meeting held on October 15 the following were elected to serve as?irectors: F. N. Gibbs, Gibbs Lumber Co., Anaheim; N. E. Lentz, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana; H. A. Lake, Garden Grove Lumber Co., Gar{e1 Grove; C.L.McGill, Brown & Dauser, La Habra; C.W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier; W. V. Whitson, Whitson Lumber Co., Santa Ana; Frank Yorde, Clement Lumber Co., Orange.

E. Steffensen, Santi Ana, is secretary of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club.

To Represent Humboldt Redwood Co.

The Humboldt Redwood Company of Eureka, California, having practically completed the modernizing of _the formei Blyside Lumber Company plant on Humboldt Bay, are now operating full time and are actively in the market for business. They announce the appointment as their exclusive sales representative in the Southern California territory, of the well known Los Angeles wholesalers, E. U. Wheelock, Incorporated.

Mr. Wheelock is now in the North familiarizing himself with their facilities and concluding plans for an active campaign for both rail and cargo shipments.

Johan Poulsen

Johan Poulsen, member of the fnman-Poulsen Lumber Co., Portland, died at his home in Portland October 29, at the age of 81. He had been in active charge until a few days before his death.

Born in Denmark he came to the United States in 1867. With the late Robert D. Inman he formed the InmanPoulsen Lumber Co. in 1892.

Mr. Poulsen is survived by his widow, Mrs. Dora Schnau Poulsen, and by five daughters, seven grandchildren and f our great-grandchildren.

Ships-S. S. Robert Johnson, S. S. C. D. Johnson III. Specier--$ld C'rowth Yelow Fr and Si&a Spttce


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