1 minute read

Specif ications on This Job Called for Quality Lumber

-and C. C. & C. C. Kiln Dried Fir wae ussd-1\g builder wae buy', ing permanence and lasting satisfaction for the owner-not just so many boards-it cogt a few dollare more' certainly, but that cost was more than olfset in the savings made in congtruction. Reeult -a fing building and an enthusiagtic owner.

The better jobe call for Quality Lumber-for Dry Lumber. You can easily identify it by the C. C. & C. C. trade-mark, which mark appearc only on Kiln Dried Lumber.

f et us quote on your requirements.

Manufacturers of Kiln Dried OId Gro*th Yellow Fir and Southem Yellow Pine-and Miners of coal.

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