1 minute read
Oak Flooring
Like this shouts itslreal value
Generationa frcm now a "Peif*tion- Brud Oak Flor will still retdn itr beautY. Yq cu depend upon "Perfecdm'1 In modem Dlutr opented bY skilled lumbemo, onlY the finect oak ir celected. After proper ming ud kiln-drYiDg, it is perf*tly mllled ud mtched e that it l,ayr smoth and rtayr sn@th. It lr graded ud handled o mfully that qm anivd uywherc it ia alwaye in Frfect @nditlon. I*ading lubcr dcalcn gladly featuro thir mdondly advcrtlred brud.
There's a sise anil grade tor eery structurerru or old. Wr;te toda! for full Particulars.
Arkmu Oak Florinl Co. Plne Bluff, Ark-
Brand Oak Flooring
"Perfection" Brand Oak Flmring, Blocks and Planks, may be obtained chemically treated by the *CELLizing prmess.