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LUMBDB COnIPANY Largest Fruit Dock in the World
The largest fruit dock in the world has been built in Los Angeles, at a cost of $250,000, for ihe Safeway Stores. This announcement comes from Wm. Mellema. who was the architect and manager of construction for the huge project. This modern fruit dock is 480 feet long by 114 feet in width, and was built with Victor Portland Cement, using
Victor Hydro-Plastic for all floors and the dressing of ex_ terior walls.
The new building is designed to serve the fruit and vesetable req.uirements for 600 Safeway and Piggly WiSFy Stores thlolSfout- Southern Caliiornia, in-cTuiing 3'a'n Diggo and Bakersfield. It has been stated the me?chandising of these two 4epartments alone amounts to $5,000,- 000 annuallv.
Fifty 6-wheel trucks with trailers, carrying g tons each, can load at one time from this n-ew dock, while 20 carloads can be unloaded simultaneously f-rom their double-track railroad spur.
All merchandise from cars is handled in -the new dock with electric trucks and an escaldtor carrying to and from the basement, which covirs over an acre of ftoor space. In this basement will be found ten banana storage rooms, with both refrigeration and heating systems.
On the main floor are three mbdern refrigera- tion plants, z0x'4/l- feet i1 size, with a capacily of 6 carloads of merchandise.
Mr. A. P. Powell, who is the manag'er for the wholesale department of 'the Safewiy Stores, states that cars will be shipped as far -as Washington, D. C., from this new plant.
The plastering work was done by Jos. Wadsw-or_th & Son, one of the leading plistering firms of Los Angeles.