2 minute read
Hills & Hamilton Take Over Distribution of Masonite and Cromar Floorin$
Hills & Hamilton Co., San Francisco, have taken over from the C. L. Thompson Co. the distribution of Masonite and Cromar Flooring for the Pacific Greater West, which includes practically all territory west of the Rocky Mountains, with the exception of the distribution of Masonite in Southern California.
Both Mr. Hills and Mr. Hamilton have been identified with the distribution of these nationally-advertised lines in this territory for over a year, and do not anticipate any change from the original dealer distribution policy already put into operation.
Live lumber dealers are recognizing the advantages and profits to be gained from handling lines that are advertised to the consumer, and they feel particularly well disposed towards such lines as Cromar Factory Finished Flooring, which is sold entirely through the retail lumber dealer.
"Any good carpenter can complete the installation of Cromar floors in old or new buildings, as the factory finishing leaves nothing to be done after the,floors are nailed down," said Mr. Hills recently. "With Cromar, two carpenters can floor the average room in a day, so that in an occupied house for instance, it is possible to have breakfast in the morning in a dining room, and dine the same evening in the same room completely transformed by a rich and lustrous oak floor, laid that day without inconvenience to the occupants."
"Cromar has now been on the market since 1919, when the startling idea of finishing oak flooring at the factory was first conceived. The finishing is done by patented machines. First a smooth glistening surface is produced by the milling machines on the kiln-dried strips, which then pass to the filling machines. Then follow two coats of varnish, each scientifically cured and dried, and finally a top coating of wax. So uniform is the action of the varniih machines that it is impossible for streaked or blotched surfaces to appear. The finish is remarkably long wearing, and will not flake off or crack."
Most dealers are familiar lvith Masonite Insulation Board and Masonite Presdwood. A number of uses for these are detailed in the advertisement on another page of this issue, and a recent sales letter gave a list of 85 separate uses for Masonite, and 43 difierent uses for Masonite Presdwood.
Dealers wishing to get information on the dealers' proposition for Masonite and Cromar can obtain this promptly by writing to Hills & Hamilton Company, 200 Davis Street, San Francisco.
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