1 minute read
The skies have cleared INVEST ATOW in a HOME
QTOCK MARKET UPSETS have no efiect upon \) the sound value of a home. Owning a home is a sensible investment . . . home owners never fear the click of t{re stock ticker.
Thie ate clear skies aheadt Smooth financial sailingt Let's talk over this new home of yours; discuss plans; arrange the necessary financing.
Building materials were never bettet, prices wete never more reasonable. Real estate is purchasable in a multitude of convenient ways. Skilled labor is available at fair wages. This indeed ic the time to build . . to Put your money where you get your full money's worth. Invest wisely in a home.. . it is one investment which you will never regret, for its returns are rich in hap' piness and steadily inceaeing value.