1 minute read


The above newspaper advertisement is one of a series of 6ve advertisements that have been prepared by the Creo-Dipt Company fnc., North Tonawanda, New YorL, and which theii salesmen are showing the lumber dealers they call on. Where dealers wish to use these advertisements they are furnishing the proofa so that the dealer's newsPaper can set uo the advertisement for hirr.

These advertisetnento, a8 you will note, do not say one word about Creo-Dipts and are simply the company's contribution toward helping the lumber dealer tell the public his story, and so divert money in ht! gity or-town into home buildins channels. In speaking of the building situation, H' E. Gosch, president of the Creo'Dipt Company Inc', says: "Building t' o.p."t" are good, and in our -opinion, the speed with whiih residential building picks up depends almost entirely upon the efiort put behind it by the people most interested."

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