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Sun Lumber Company Elect Officers
A change in the offices and stockholders of the Sun Lumber Co., Eeverly Hills, Cal., has been announced b-y Fial\ Burnaby, following 4 recent reorganization meeting held recently.
Mr. -Burnaby remains at the head of the organization with the following officers chosen: E. C. Jameson, vicepresident and director; H. L. Jansen, secretary-treasurer ind director; C.J. Flack, L. R. Byers, B. L. Watt and H. H. Burnaby, dirictors. E. F. Schaaf, Beverly Hilli, secretary to Mr. Burnaby, is also included in the stockholders of -the company. Mr. Byers resides at Ventura where he is manag.t bt the company's Ventura-y9rd, and Mr' Watt in Oinard where he is in charge of the comPany's Oxnard yard. The others are local men and all the directors are employed by the company.
The ^company, a Delawari corporation, was- or-g-anized in February tgZ,+ to purchase the-business of the WoodsBeekman iumber Co' which operated a lumber yard and olanins mill on the present site of the Sun Lumber Comianv's"plant in Beverly Hills- Since the purchase new ot""tt tiave been added at Ventura and Oxnard' Net assets ^ot tn. company are in excess of $1,000,000.
E. D. Kingsley, president of the West O-re-g-on Lumber Company, Linntbn, Ore., manufacturers of "West Qrego.n Suoei t'inish," left San Francisco November 20, for his hoine after a short visit to the San Francisco Bay district, duritrg which he conferred with Wendling-Nathan Co', Califo"rnia representatives for his concern.
Roy Barto Returns From Eastern Trip
Rov Barto. president of Cadwallader-Gibson, Inc', has returned to Lo's Angeles after a three weeks' trip in the East where he was mlking a survey of business conditions' He visited Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.
Geo. W. Robinson, of Stockton, sales agent for the eoottr-t<etty Lumber Co. !r-ls.retuTred from^a business. trip io the cornpany's head office .in Eu Ore. .While in to company's ottlce rn llugene' wre' ' vY nlle ln iJr"gott ttlr. RoUinson visite.d both of the. company's mills "t-ffrL"afing and Springfield, and also paid a.visit to their trew loggini ""-p itrttiJtt -was r-ecently opened' n- t l. 'o+,r.. tn Sfockton he ooened an r On frii ritu.tt -to Stockton opened office at Wilhoit Bldg., which replaces the recently closed Wilhoit closed Francisco office.