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400,000 Employ ees Under Annual Sales Confer ence Lumber Code
Washington, D. C., Nov. 15.-A total of 400,000 persons are now employed in the Lumber and Timber Produ,cts Industries, according to an estimate based on reports to the Lumber Code Authority's administrative agencies from some 5,000 plants, accounting for over one-half the production compared with estimated total production.
The total payroll is estimated at over $27,@0O00 a month, with workers subject to maximum hours under the Lumber Code averaging 30 to 34 hours per week and receiving an averag'e hourly wage of about 40 cents.
May was the month of heaviest employment so far as yet shorvn this year, reports being now available only to the end of August. Spring production of lumber and woodwork for building purposes and containers for fruits and vegetables lifted May ernployment to an estimated 440,000. Many of the extra hands then on the payroll are stated to have been small farmers, who have been since engaged in r,vorking their crops.
Chico Retailer Is Optimistic
W. L. Aisthorpe, of the Aisthorpe Lumber Co., Chico, in San Francisco for a few d.ays last week, reports an improvement in conditions in his district.
Mr.'Aisthorpe is the owner of a fine almond orchard. He says he got a good price for his almonds this year, and expects higher prices to prevail for the 1935 crop.