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Opportunities with Plyrvood
t(Tests concluded by the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, show that plywood as a coveting for frame walls and as t{re sub-foor and ceiling of floor panels contributes improved strength and stifrness and furnishes opportunities for pre-fabrication of these units in a building."
Nat'l Lr. Mfrs. Assn.
Executives of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., from the Northwest and Southern California. came to San Francisco to attend their annual sales conference with the executives at the home office November 15, 16 and 17.
Those in attendance were: J. N. Manning, district sales manager, Seat(le; A. A. Gay, manager of sawmill operations, Port Gamble; H. L. Lueddemann, Northwest manager, Portland; Mark D. Campbell, district sales manager, Portland; W. B. Wickersham, district sales manager, Los Angeles; C. P. Henry, Los Angeles, Bill Schorse, Los Angeles, and the executives and salesmen of the San Francisco office.
Also in attendance were A. H. Landram, sales manager, and Corydon Wagner, vice president, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma.
Guy E. Smith, vice president and sales manager, San Francisco, presided at the conference.
Back From Northwest
H. F. Vincent, general manager, and 'Warren B. Wood, vi,ce president, of E. K. Wood Lumber Co., San Francisco, have returned from a survey of the lumber manufacturing districts of the Northwest and Northern California.
They left by automobile November 11, traveling north by way of the Redwood and Roosevelt highways.. .Their tour included inspection of the company's sawmill operations, and a visit to Vancouver, B. C.
J. E. Peggs, sales manager, W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, was a recent visitor to the company's Los Angeles office.
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customcrs thc quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit gueesing about what they're buying, and buy wherc they know what ttrey're getting.
G€Beral Saler Oftce: Eugene, Ore.
Millr: lVcndling, Ore., Springfreld, Ore.
NortLcrn Glifornie Hill & Mortonn lnc.
- Oatd.nd Telephone IJl$g.c 2447
Dcnniroa St. l9harf
OrLhad ANdovcr 1077
Southcra Crlifornir
E. J. Strnton & Sor zt50 E. Stth st., Lor Arryclcr AXridsc g2tl