3 minute read
for the retail lumber yard business. Big buildings, except Government stuff, still lags. If it takes a notion to pick up and join the small building trade, there won't be lumber enough anywhere to supply the demand.
The motor car industry booms, and leads the business parade. The nation is at present spending as much for automobiles as it is for food; and getting ready to spend more with the auto shows displaying their wares everywhere. One big reaso,n is-VALUE- You can get five times as good an automobile today as you could ten years ago, for one-fourth the price.
And the same improvement shows in motor fuel-gasoline. Gasoline with an octane rating (power and efficiency) thirty per cent higher than that of the gasoline of 1920, sells for 60 per cent less per gallon than it did then. The price the buyer lays down is NOT 60 per cent less, because
Congratulations Dave
E. G. (Dave) Davis, Coos Bay Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is rvearing a big smile and handing out the cigars to his lumbermen friends. Dave became the father of a baby boy born at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, on November 24. He reports that Mrs. Davis and the new arrival are "doing nicely."
NOW !rre, have to add huge taxes to the price of gasoline. But the price of the fuel itself IS way down. The miracle is that the scientific world has been able to scientifically get the cost of gasoline down far enough to make amends for the huge tax additions. In most places in this country the tax the consumer pays on his gasoline is about one-third of the price of the gasoline itself ; in some places it is ONEHALF the price of the gasoline.
Did you know, you reader who hears and reads much of taxes lately, that petroleum today pays 11 per cent of ALL TAXES collected by ALL GOVERNMENT in this country, federal, state, and local? Fact. Did you know that the average barrel of crude oil produced in this country' costing an average of 97 cents at the well, carries a tax load of approximately $1.14 before it reaches the public? Gasoline alone produced $800,000,000 in taxes in 1935, and will produce a heap more in 1936.
One More Year Of Pleasure Reading
Find herewith my check, amount $2.@, and again I say-"Please send me one more year of PLEASURE READXNG."
Fred L. Jones, Fred L. Jones Lumber & Salvage Yard, 8,1 Verano. California.
Fifth & Brannan Now Busy Corner
The corner of Fifth and Brannan Strebts, San Francisco, since the opening of the San Francisco-Oakland Bridge, which reaches the street level at Fifth and Bryant Streets, just a block away, has become one of the busiest in the city in volume of traffic.
The firms of White Brothers, hardwood dealers, and Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., located for many years at this corner, should be benefited by the greatly in,creased number of people who now pass this point.
White Brothers have a new sign, half a block long with letters five feet eight inches high, on the front of their building, that can be seen by the many thousands of people who pass over the bridge daily into San Francisco.
W. T. White, president of White Brothers, remarked recently that he had never expected to see an officer directing traffic at Fifth and Brannan Streets, but that actually happened during the first few days after the opening of the bridge when a traffic ofificer was very busy handling the congestion of automobiles at that intersection. It is likely that automatic signals will soon be installed there. All the streets in the vicinity have been widened and improved, and modern lighting has further improved the district.
Bruce Clark Visits California
Bruce Clark, vice-president and general manag'er of the Elliott Bay Mill Co., Seattle, was a recent California visitor. Ife conferred with Lloyd Harris of the Elliott Bay Sales Co., Oakland, and with Dee Essley, Southern California representative, Los Angeles.
T. \(/'. Pugh Joins Hogan Staff
Announcement is made by the Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland, of the addition to their staff of Thomas W. Pugh, who is now in their estimating and full mill bid department.
Mr. Pugh is one of the best known men in the millwork business, with a total of 35 years' experience in the San Francisco Bay District. He was with the Charles Nelson interests for 18 years of this time.
Dallas, Texas: Arthur B. Shelby, of San Francisco, accompanied by Mrs, Shelby, is spending two weeks visiting with old friends and relatives in Dallas and vicinity. Mr. Shelby was for many years a very popular cement man of this city. Ife now lives in San Francisco, California, where he is president of the Calaveras Cement Company, one of the very large and progressive institutions making and distributing cement in California territory.
Back From Southern Trip
P. R. "Bob" Kahn, general manager of Forsyth Hardwood Co., San .Francisco, returned recently from a five weeks' business trip to the hardwood producing centers of the South.
Mr. Kahn made the trip by automobile, driving a total distance of 7,3N miles. He found business booming at the hardwood mills, and the manufacturers very optimistic about the future.
Ftnish Factory Stock Commons
DRy? Always ! EVERy piece, EVERy shipment EVERy month of the year. And this soes fo, Commons, too. That is why 'Th" Duuler Who Wants the Best' orders E\(/AUNA-KLAMATH PINE. He knows.
Klamath Falls, Oregon SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE 'oGoods of the Wood.s"6