2 minute read
Outlook lor 1937 is Favorable for Redwood Trade Promotion Activities Increasing
Lumber Demand
The Department of Commerce has received a report from the Special Lumber Survey Committee on Lumber Consumption, Lumber Stocks and on anticipated Consumption during the fourth quarter of 1936. This is the ?Znd, quarterly report of the Committee.
The Committee finds that national lumber stocks on October 1, 1936, of approximately 7.4 billion feet were 4 per cent in excess of stocks on July L, L936 and slightly above January 1, contrary to the usual seasonal trend. Estimated lumber consumption in 1936 is approximately 22.4 billion feet including 5.5 billion which is forecast for the last three months of the year. This estimate will, however, be too high if the maritime strike continues during the fourth quarter.
National lumber stocks now on hand are not excessive. The outlook for 1937 is favorable for an increasing lumber demand. Not for over a quarter century has the lumber industry, in the opinion of the Committee, had so advantageous an opportunity, through well directed research.and promotion effort, to improve and extend the public use of its products. To this end the industry should adapt its products to the changing and more exacting requirem,ents of users and improve the efficien,cy and economy of distribution.
The Committee recommends, in the interest of balanced stocks and markets, diligent exploration of the possibilities of larger foreign outlets for the sale of lumber. An essential step in this direction is the restoration to the lumber _and timber products industries, of an opportunity to compete, without discriminations, in the world lumber markets.
The Lumber Survey Committee appointed on July 9, 1931, consists of Thomas S. Holden, vice president, F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York; M. W. Stark, economist, Columbus, Ohio; Calvin Fentress, chairman of the board, Baker, Fentress & Company, Chicago, Illinois; Phillips A. Hayward, chief, Forest Products Division, Department of Commerce; and Wilson Compton, secretary and manager, National Lumber Manufacturers Association.
Opens Yard In Pasadena
The Glatts Lumber Co. has opened a yard at 135 N. Daisy Ave., Pasadena. B. R. Glatts is the owner.
What can the California Redwood Association do to help retail dealers increase the demand and use for all grades of Redwood lumber will be the question asked retail dealers in California during the next months by L. L. Witty, shingle and roofing specialist, and Lesley Graham, wood technologist.
Both Mr. Witty and Mr. Graham have spent many years in close contact with retail dealer problems, in sales as well as technical positions in the building industry, in addition to day to day assistance given to dealers by these representatives of the Redwood industry, their findings will aid in determining the future merchandising policies for California Redwood.
At the 1936 convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, President Carl W. Bahr, of the California Redwood Association, cited the need for a greater consideration of quality as against cheapness in home buildirg. I{e announced the Redwood industry would reach a new peak in dealer cooperation during 1937, urging dealers to present their problems to the trained representatives who would call upon them.
During the past three months, the California Redwood Association has released its nelv publications on Structural Redwood, Standard Patterns, and the 1936 edition of standard grades and specifications. Two other new publications are in the final stages of preparation, featuring exterior and interior finishes. These will include many beautiful illustrations.
The new Foundation Grade of Redwood. introduced in October, has been received with outstanding enthusiasm by dealers and engineers. It was preparecl specifically to meet the demand for a quality product having high resistance to decay and termites.
J. Harold Peterson, Jr., baritone soloist, is winning many plaudits with his Friday radio programs over KHJ, Los Angeles, which come on the air at 5:45 P. M. He has studied in Germany, and is now a student at the University of California at Los Angeles where he is studying voice.
He is the son of J. Harold Peterson, of the Peterson Lumber & Finance Co., San Diego.