1 minute read
Col. Fred G. Sherrill, chief of the Materials and Equip ment Branch, Construction Division, office of the chief of engineers, presented the Army-Navy "E" award for excellence in production to the officials of the Sawmill Division, Crossett Lumber Company, in ceremonies at Crossett, Ark., Saturday afternoon, November 13.
A graduate of the United States Military Academy, Colonel Sherrill served several years in Arizona. From 1922 to 1926, he was on duty with the Military Intelligence Division, general staff, in Washington. Resigning from the Army in 19%, Colonel Sherrill was engaged in the cotton business. He was assigned to his present post upon recall to the army in 1942.
Assisting in the presentation was Pfc. Ernest T. Van Hoozer, a veteran of the Pacific theater of war, now recuperating from battle wounds at the Borden General Hospital, Chickasha, Okla. A native of Rushville, Missouri, he received his basic training at Camp Robinson. He was ordered overseas in Octo,ber, 1942, and was stationed in New Zealand and New Caledonia before he participated in the Guadalcanal and New Georgia campaigns, where he was wounded and received the Purple Heart.
Governor Adkins attended the ceremonies.
Army-Navy "E" pins were presented to employees by Lt. Comdr. W. S. Thomson, commander of the Naval Officers Reserve Training School at Monticello A. and M. College. Sam C. Sailor accepted for the employees. Other sawmill division employees who participated were Mrs. E. J. Oakleaf, Mrs. R. II. Berry, H. L. Ashcroft, William Townsend and Clarence Hatcher.
Chief Justice Griffin Smith of the Arkansas Supreme Court was master of ceremonies. The Rev. Wilford M. Lee, pas' tor of the First Baptist Church of Crossett, delivered the invocation.
Scv-A-Spcce Doors Widely Used
Sav-A-Space Sliding Doors, manufactured in Southern California by A. J. Koll Planing Mill, Ltd', Los Angeles, are being used in many housing projects and other Government structures all over the country.
This sliding door saves about nine feet of floor space.
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