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California Building Permits for October

Course in Wood Technology

A practical course in Wood Technology, designed to give persons in the wood industries a better understanding and knowledge of woods in order to facilitate a more efrective and efficient use of timbers, is being given at evening classes by the University of Southern California. Students will be given training in the quick identification of woods used economically and their structural values with regard to strength, stress and strain. The course is sponsored by the U. S. Office of Education. The instructor is Tema Shults Clare of the Botany Department, lfniversity of Southern California.

The course outline includes structure of woods, wood identification, defects in woods, mechanical properties of woods, and imported woods.

All expenses are borne by the U. S. Office of Education. The trainees will be require'd only to purchase a $3 textbook which may be used later as a key and guide in the identification of woods.

Classes are held Thursday evenings, 7 to 10, Room 261 Science Building, University Avenue and 36th Place. The next class meeting is December 2.

Application blanks may be obtained from The'War Training Office, University of Southern California, Room 251, Administration Building, 3551 lJniversity Avenue, Los Angeles 7. The telephone numbers are Rfchmond 4111Extension 435 or 436; after 5 :3O p.m., PRospect 9877.

New Book by Stcrnley Horn

"This Fascinating Lumber Business," just published by the Bobbs-Merrill Company of Indianapolis and New York ($3.75) from the pen of Stanley F. Horn of Nashville, Tenn., long-time editor of the Southern Lumberman, makes fascinating reading for either the man whose business is wood or the average layman who begins it with no other knowledge than the tall tales of Paul Bunyan.

It tefls the story of America's most unusual crop-her forests-in a panoramic account of the oldest business in the United States, and Mr. Horn spreads before the reader all phases of the basic industry that has kept its romance through the centuries.

Itfirs. Elizabeth C. Slcrde

Mrs. Elizabeth C. Slade, widow of the late well-known lumberman, Spencer E. Slade of Los Angeles and San Francisco, pass*6d away recently in Los Angeles following a short illness. She is survived by a son, Spencer Slade Jr. of Los Angeles, and three grandchildren, children of Russell and Franklin Slade deceased. Interment was in San Francisco.

wEsTERlt IUtLL & tOU[Dt]tG G0.


YOU COME FIRST after Uncle Sam

BUT the well known EV/AUNA mark will dways be-

FIRST for texture

FIRST for millwork

FIRST for lciln.drying

FIRST for unifor:n grades

FIRST for sera'ice


Mill, Factory, and Salcr Oficc


Central Cdifomia Repreceoative

P'"ramid Lumber Sdes Co., Oakland

Hcdley I. Alley

Hadley J. (Jack) Alley, one of the founders of Alley Bros., retail lumber dealers with yards in Santa Monica and Ventura, passed away in Santa Monica on November A, following a short illness. He was 52 yearc of age, and was a veteran of World War I.

He came to Santa Monica from Princeton, Mo., and in partnership with his brother, Frank, organized the company. The firm also operates sawmills at Medford and Prospect, Ore.

Besides his brother he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Edna M. Alley; two sons, John, now taking Engineer Corps training at Georgia Tech, and Larry, Junior High School student; and two sisters, Jennie and Mrs. Bessie Mullinax.

David Glick

David Glick, treasurer of Glick Brothers Lumber Company, Los Angeles, passed away suddenly on November'13. He had been a resident of Los Angeles for thirty years.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Henrietta Glick, and a daughter; five brothers and one sister, Oscar, Max, Edward, Label, Adolph and Elaine Glick, all being connected with the company.

Funeral services were held on November 15.

Personal ltems

Harry Eastman, Eastman Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, has returned from a trip to the Oregon mills.

A. H. (Abe) Jackson, Union Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was a recent visitor to the company's mill at Fort Bragg, Calif.

Albert A. Kelley, wholesale lurnber dealer, Alameda, returned November 20 from a 10-day trip to Redwood Empire and Oregon mills, which included a visit to Portland.

As this paper was going to press a mysterious telephone caller asked if we had heard that Gardner Pond and Don Philips are having difficulty in getting their limit of ducks this season.

Paul L. Mathies, W. B. Jones Lumber Co., Los Angeles, returned recently from Northern California and Oregon, where he called on Pine and Fir sawmills.

Young Lumbermqn

A second son was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. Normen Cords on November 12. Norm says he is a fine lad and makes so much noise that he is sure the boy will be a lumberman when he grows up. His name is Douglas Allen Cords.

Norm is in charge of the Pine department of WendlingNathan Co., San Francisco.

Lieut. Gercld Knight ct Home

Lieutenant Gerald Knight, son of Chester C. Knight of the San Fernando Lumber Co., San Fernando, is home after fifty bombing missions flown during a year with the Army Air Forces in England and Africa. With him came his new bride of a few weeks, the former Evelyn Hendricks of Greenville, S. C.

Oklchomq Lumbenncm Visits Cclilorniq

H. I. Moses, manager of Putnam & Jones, commission lumber salesmen, Oklahoma City, recently spent two weeks in California. He was accompanied by his wife, and they visited their son, Lieut. Hobart Moses of the Coast Artillery, who is stationed at Fort Ord. While in San Francisco Mr. Moses called on a number of lumber firms.

Citassified Adverti Sing


Want to buy a suburban Los Angeles or nearby small country yard as going concern.

Address Box C-1007 California Lumber Merchant 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.


Lumberman with 30 years experience in retail yards wishes connection that will be permanent, as manager or assistant, preferably outside the Metropolitan area. Address Box C-1008 California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

For Sale



Lumberman with 20 years' extrrcrience as outside salesman and in office, wants position.

E. J. O'Conner, 86 North Roosevelt Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Telephone SYcamorc 2-t783.


If you urant to sell your lumber yard, let us know, as we have inquiries from parties wishing to buy. Twohy Lumber Co., Petroleum Building, Los Angeles 15, Calif.

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